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 A new religious revival characterized by emotional camp meetings  An evangelical movement which stressed preaching and emphasized the idea of salvation.

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2  A new religious revival characterized by emotional camp meetings  An evangelical movement which stressed preaching and emphasized the idea of salvation

3  Early 1800s

4  Began in Kentucky and Tennessee  Spread throughout the US

5  Charles Grandison Finney

6  Denominations such as Methodists and Baptists grew  New denominations were created such as the Mormons JOSEPH SMITH

7  Brigham Young led the Mormons to Utah

8  It was highly democratic; people believed that everyone could participate in the religious experience  WOMEN played a key role and organized groups like the Female Missionary Society

9  African-Americans started their own denominations such as the African Methodist Episcopal Church founded by Richard Allen

10  It lead to many social reform movements like temperance and abolitionism

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