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CS 10K – Rise of CS Principles UTeach and Computer Science Principles: National Initiatives To Reform Introductory Curricula And Broaden Participation.

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Presentation on theme: "CS 10K – Rise of CS Principles UTeach and Computer Science Principles: National Initiatives To Reform Introductory Curricula And Broaden Participation."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS 10K – Rise of CS Principles UTeach and Computer Science Principles: National Initiatives To Reform Introductory Curricula And Broaden Participation From K–12 Through University

2 CS 10K NSF program started in 2009 by Jan Cuny Increase numbers and diversity of students taking “real” CS in high school Funded a good deal of curriculum efforts of which two stand out – Exploring Computer Science (ECS) – Computer Science Principles (CSP) Has funded lots of PD for in-service teachers 2

3 CSPrinciples Not a curriculum but a format for one based upon 6 Computational Practices and 7 Big Ideas Several varieties, most with their own PD model. Coming soon to a view-screen near you. 3

4 Computational Practices 1.Connecting Computing, 2.Developing computational artifacts, 3.Abstracting, 4.Analyzing problems and artifacts, 5.Communicating, and 6.Collaborating 4

5 Big Ideas 1.Computing is a creative activity, 2.Abstraction reduces information and detail to facilitate focus on relevant concepts, 3.Data and information facilitate the creation of knowledge, 4.Algorithms are used to develop and express solutions to computational problems, 5.Programming enables problem solving, human expression and creation of knowledge, 6.The Internet pervades modern computing, and 7.Computing has global impacts. 5

6 New CSP AP Exam In addition to CS A AP. Two major parts – “Language agnostic” multiple choice – Performance Tasks Explore (think Computing Impact) Creativity (think programming) First year available is 2016-7 6

7 CS locally States where CS counts for Math/Science graduation credit ( Arkansas: All high schools required to offer CS California: AB5 would make CS required for all K-6 students Texas: HB5 requires all school districts to offer CS 7

8 Cross-Program Comparison CS Matters Beauty & Joy of Computing PLTW CSE Computing In Secondary Schools Thriving in Our Digital World Code.orgMobile CSPCS4Alabama Theme Explore ways in which computing affects students’ lives. Heavy programming emphasis with graphical language Career readinessCS Principles Framework is the new “basic literacy”. What do computer scientists do? Internet and Innovation Socially useful mobile computing Professional Development MOOC Earmark Equips students to: understand these impacts, access and analyze the data driving them, and effectively communicat e their insights Powerful big ideas: Recursion Functions as data Abstraction Emphasizes the text Blown to Bits. Heavy focus on industry and applications. Creativity and exploration using: visual representati on, animation using Alice, and data visualization. Broadly focuses on impacts of computing. Emphasizes processes over outcomes. Special emphasis on College Readiness through Dual Enrollment Focuses on “Concept Invention” and creativity throughout. Google App Inventor utilized to create location aware and communication apps. Teaches teachers the CSP framework through a mixture of other models. Emphasizes the text Blown to Bits. Pedagogies Pair programming Problem-based learning Peer Instruction Project- Based Learning Blended Instruction Structured Collaboration Inquiry- based Blended Instruction with online tools/videos/ supports Problem- based Portfolio- based Pair programmin g Master Teacher model adopted from UTeach Programming 50% Python 80% Snap! & Python 70% Python & Scratch & App Inventor & Linux scripts & NetLogo & JavaScript & PHP 70% Alice & Processing 50% Scratch & Processing 50% JavaScript 50% App Inventor for Android OS 50% Snap! & Teacher’s Choice 8

9 Beauty & Joy of Computing Computing In Secondary Schools CS4Alabama CS Matters Mobile CSP PLTW CSE Thriving in Our Digital World Cross-Program Comparison A Closer Look 9

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