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Per 4 Deanna Lopez Michael Leffler Dennis Rivas David Heiser.

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1 Per 4 Deanna Lopez Michael Leffler Dennis Rivas David Heiser

2 EasyMediumHard $100 $200 $300

3  The most common type of connection computers use in a local area network such as a school is an..  a. Ethernet  b. Wi-Fi  c. Hub  answer answer

4  A. Ethernet  The most common type of connection computers use in a local area network such as a school is an Ethernet.  Bonus question Bonus question  Return to game boardgame board

5  The mainboard or logic board is what hooks up on this board of your computer, this is known as the…  a. Hard Drive  b. Monitor  c. Motherboard  answer answer

6  C. Motherboard  The mainboard or logic board is what hooks up on this board of your computer, this is known as the Motherboard.  Back to game boardgame board

7  A device that allows a specific type of hardware to work with another device that would otherwise be in compatible.  a. USB Port  b. Adapter  c. Plug In  answer answer

8  B. Adapter  A device that allows a specific type of hardware to work with another device that would otherwise be in compatible.  Back to GAMEBOARDGAMEBOARD

9  The Processor, also referred to as the microprocessor is the Brain of the computer.  True or False  answer answer

10  True  The Processor, also referred to as the microprocessor is the Brain of the computer.  Back to game boardgame board

11  ________ are what most of us use on a daily basis for work and personal use.  answer answer

12  PC’s  PC’s are what most of us use on a daily basis for work and personal use.  Back to game boardgame board

13  LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)are used in laptop computer screens.  True or False  answer answer

14  True  LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)are used in laptop computer screens.  Bonus question Bonus question  Back to game boardgame board

15  Bonus question  ?  answer

16  The term ___________ is a combination of “Web” and “Video Camera”.  answer answer

17  Webcam  The term Webcam is a combination of “Web” and “Video Camera”.  Back to game boardgame board

18  File servers act like a central storage location and can’t be accessed by multiple systems.  True or False  answer answer

19  False  File servers act like a central storage location and can in fact be accessed by multiple systems.  Back to game boardgame board

20  A ________ is light-based cable that can carry beams of light. Data can be sent through this cable at speed of light.  answer answer

21  Fiber Optic Cable  A Fiber Optic Cable is light- based cable that can carry beams of light. Data can be sent through this cable at speed of light.  Back to game boardgame board

22  The Standard unit of measuring frequency is called?  answer answer

23  Hertz  The Standard unit of measuring frequency is called Hertz.  Back to game boardgame board

24  A device that allows you to store data and is also a common port is called ?  answer answer

25  USB  A device that allows you to store data and is also a common port is called a USB.  Back to game boardgame board

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