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Healing the Wounds of War The United Nations Roots of the Cold War The Cold War Turns Hot The Cold War at Home Primary/Secondary Sources, Maps, Political.

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Presentation on theme: "Healing the Wounds of War The United Nations Roots of the Cold War The Cold War Turns Hot The Cold War at Home Primary/Secondary Sources, Maps, Political."— Presentation transcript:

1 Healing the Wounds of War The United Nations Roots of the Cold War The Cold War Turns Hot The Cold War at Home Primary/Secondary Sources, Maps, Political Cartoons, Graphs, Charts

2  What steps must the countries devastated by the war take to rebuild?

3  Describe the actions Allied forces took to stabilize Germany and Japan after the war.  Discuss how the Allied Powers tried war criminals.  Explain why the United Nations was founded, and relate how it was organized.  Trace the events that led to the founding of Israel.

4  Wartime gov’t shattered  Potsdam Conference ◦ Four occupation zones ◦ Occupy Berlin ◦ Reestablish gov’t ◦ Recognize non- aggression pact

5  Occupied from 1945-1952  End militarism  Establish democracy and constitution  Economic reforms

6 Germany ZonesJapan Zones

7  Establishment of ICC  Nuremberg Trials ◦ Adolf Eichmann  Tribunals ◦ Hideki Tojo  Setting standards is necessary  Hold everyone accountability

8  Postwar int’l organization  Intended to work for world peace  Eleanor Roosevelt serves as first U.S. delegate

9  Palestine was first UN conflict  Becomes a victory for Zionism  Portion claimed for Israel  Meetings gave Israelis more land, divided Jerusalem

10  Develop a collage that depicts why the United Nations was founded in one of the following areas: ◦ Promote world peace ◦ Human rights ◦ Equality between the sexes ◦ Equality between the nations ◦ Respect for justice and treaty obligations ◦ Social progress/better standard of living

11 Healing the Wounds of War The United Nations Roots of the Cold War The Cold War Turns Hot The Cold War at Home

12  What do you know about the Cold War?

13  Explain what caused the Cold War.  Trace how the U.S. tried to control development from atomic weapons.  Analyze the Marshall Plan.

14  NOT A WAR!!!  Struggle for int’l dominance ◦ USA vs. USSR  Soviet expansionism fuels mistrust  Soviet satellite nations and “The Iron Curtain”  Kennan calls for containment


16  Soviets develop atomic technology ◦ First USSR bomb 1949  Baruch Plan imposes penalties  Nuclear arms race becomes a reality

17  Truman Doctrine works to fight communism  Marshall Plan promotes European recovery

18 Healing the Wounds of War The United Nations Roots of the Cold War The Cold War Turns Hot The Cold War at Home

19  Describe how the Western allies responded to the Soviet expansion.  Analyze the factors that led to the escalation of the conflict in Korea.  Discuss the methods that President Eisenhower used to promote U.S. interests abroad.

20  Germany is growing strong  Soviets block entrance to Berlin – Berlin Airlift  NATO acts like League of Nations  Communists form the Warsaw Pact

21  Nationalists (Chiang Kai-shek) vs. Communists (Mao Zedong)  Chiang’s retreat to Taiwan allows for People’s Republic of China

22  Occupying defeated parts after war  Communism = North  Democracy = South  War changes when China enters

23  Fighting in Korea becomes presidential issue ◦ Eisenhower vs. Stevenson ◦ “I like Ike” ◦ Keeps promise to end war

24  Nukes are necessary to stop communism  Brinksmanship, all out war to defeat communism  CIA works to pursue Eisenhower’s goal

25  Nikita Krushchev new USSR leader  USA and USSR leaders meet for arms reduction  Ends when spy plane is captured in USSR ◦ The U-2 Incident ◦ Only an apology???

26 Healing the Wounds of War The United Nations Roots of the Cold War The Cold War Turns Hot The Cold War at Home

27  Every student will pick a piece of paper out of the bag. Some pieces of paper will have a red dot on them while most of the pieces are blank. DO NOT reveal what you have on your piece of paper.  Your objective is to create the largest group possible without any red dots. You may question each other as you form groups.  The largest group without a member with a red dot wins. Any person who holds a red dot and has infiltrated a group wins.

28  Discuss actions the United States government took to limit communism at home and how these actions affected American’s everyday lives.  Explain how Senator McCarthy was able to play upon American’s fears of communism.  Describe how Americans reacted to the prospect of nuclear war and the launch of Sputnik.

29  As a result… ◦ Rearmament ◦ Dept. of Defense ◦ Joint Chiefs of Staff ◦ National Security Council ◦ CIA  Review of employees – Loyalty Review Board  HUAC investigates possibility of communism in all aspects of life

30  Alger Hiss convicted by “Pumpkin Papers”  Rosenbergs executed for telling atomic secrets to Soviets  Reputations are ruined  McCarthy’s bullying tactics changes public opinion ◦ The Crucible draws on Salem trials and McCarthy

31  Major race to develop powerful weapons  Billy Graham urges people to turn to God  Patriotism is seen in pledge and money


33  Sputnik makes US feel behind in technology ◦ A dog in space??? Sputnik 2 ◦ Explorer 1 = Space Race begins  NASA and National Defense Education Act created as a result

34  Analyze two Herb Block political cartoons related to McCarthyism.

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