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Homework Test on Mesopotamia/Egypt on Tuesday. Review sheet also due Tuesday.

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1 Homework Test on Mesopotamia/Egypt on Tuesday. Review sheet also due Tuesday.

2 III. Other Technological Developments First 365-day calendar (ten days in a week, three weeks in a month, four months in a season) Sundial to tell time Early brain surgery Early newspapers

3 Aim #7: How did the religious beliefs of the Ancient Egyptians influence their civilization? October 2, 2015

4 I. Egyptian Religion A.Egyptians were polytheistic → Believe in sun gods, land gods and river gods. B.Re / Ra → Sun God. An Egyptian ruler was “Son of Ra.” C.Osiris → God of the harvest and the afterlife. Symbol of rebirth. Ruled over the dead with his wife/sister Isis. A.Annubis – Would weigh the hearts of the dead against a feather. If their heart was lighter than a feather, they would get to the afterlife. If it was heavier, they would be devoured by Ammit (female demon that was part lion, part hippopotamus, part crocodile).

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