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1 st Grade Mrs. Black 1-205 Mrs. DeVito 1-206 Mrs. Kane 1-207 Ms. Chiarulli 1-209 Ms. Gomez 1-209 Ms. Falconer K/1/2-116.

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Presentation on theme: "1 st Grade Mrs. Black 1-205 Mrs. DeVito 1-206 Mrs. Kane 1-207 Ms. Chiarulli 1-209 Ms. Gomez 1-209 Ms. Falconer K/1/2-116."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 st Grade Mrs. Black 1-205 Mrs. DeVito 1-206 Mrs. Kane 1-207 Ms. Chiarulli 1-209 Ms. Gomez 1-209 Ms. Falconer K/1/2-116

2 Your child will bring home a homework notebook ( orange) this is where they will do their work (worksheets, writing, etc) and have their reading log. They will also bring home their PS 39 agenda book. This is where their HW schedule will be posted as well as any parent/teacher communication. Your child may also take home their Journeys or Math In Focus Workbook. Read the entire schedule Monday and do only what is assigned for the day. Make sure to record what your child has read and sign their reading log. There will be a weekly reminder box at the bottom of the homework schedule each week.

3 Science Units of Study Air and Weather Solids and Liquids Insects Science Notebook (green) will go home once a month, as well as before a formal assessment. Each unit has a parent letter and home connection assignments. Please look over and sign the last page.

4 Reading We use a balanced literacy approach in the workshop model format which includes the following components: Shared Reading Guided Reading Literacy Centers

5 Shared Reading Whole group meets on the rug and reads a story, poem or informational text. Students are involved in accountable talk in which they discuss high level questions.

6 Guided Reading Small group instruction in which students are engaged in activities and/or books which are geared to the groups level or need.

7 Literacy Centers This is a time when students are engaged differentiated activities around phonemic awareness activities, phonics, comprehension skills, reading and writing

8 Assessments in Reading Alphabet Concepts Concepts of Print High Frequency Words Running Record -Monitor strategies that they are using or not using. - Monitor their fluency and comprehension


10 CCLS Common Core Reading Standards








18 Reading Program Journeys

19 Hardcover Reader/Anthology Soft cover Practice Book



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