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Schedule Independent Study  8:15-Prepare to Learn  8:30-Math  9:30-Lang. Arts  10:00-Housekeeping  10:10-History  10:30-Science Benchmark/Note Check.

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Presentation on theme: "Schedule Independent Study  8:15-Prepare to Learn  8:30-Math  9:30-Lang. Arts  10:00-Housekeeping  10:10-History  10:30-Science Benchmark/Note Check."— Presentation transcript:

1 Schedule Independent Study  8:15-Prepare to Learn  8:30-Math  9:30-Lang. Arts  10:00-Housekeeping  10:10-History  10:30-Science Benchmark/Note Check  11:00-Science  11:45-L.A. Test/Work Hand In  12-12:30-Lunch  1:00-2:00-Study Hall

2 8 th Grade Independent Study Assignments T1W11 Due November 16 (Class over at 11:00 next week) Name_______________________ 760-404-7289 Total Work Completed_______% (0/20/40/60/80/100)  Physical Education  ____5 PE Credits Due  ____P.E Log-270 Minutes (4 Day Week)  Grade______________  TW________________

3 Benchmark 1  Good Luck

4 website   Use code on each lesson from book  Example: mt8ca 2-9

5 Math - Through (All Students)  Lessons __________  __________________Parent Signature  ____Ch. ___ Lesson ___  ____Fractions Packet (as marked)  ____Homework Practice Workbook Lessons _____  Beyond (Advanced and Extra Credit)  ____Do lesson 1-9. Do Guided Practice for lesson 6 with 100%.  Grade_____________ TW_______________ Into (Below Grade Level or getting D/F)  _______Timed Multiplication Practice Activity

6 Math-Sage Objectives: Students Will: -Simplify Polynomials -multiply Polynomials - Through (All Students)  Lessons __________  __________________Parent Signature  ____Ch. __ Lesson __  ____Workbook Pgs. ________________  Grade_____________ TW_______________

7 8 th Grade Language Arts T1-Week11 Objectives: Students will….  Identify themes in literature  Prepare for Chapter 2 Test  Write an autobiographical narrative

8 Compare/Contrast Texts  A Shot Pg. 235  Powerpoint

9 Autobiography  Pg. 258  Writing Process…  This week….Prewriting  Story Planner  Next week… Peer edit

10 Ch. 2 Test  See Matrix  See Packet VocabularyOther…

11 Test next week…  Flowers and A Shot

12 Into (Strategic Students) ____Interactive Reader Activities for this week’s story ____Fluency Builder Activities (3 per week administered by Parent) Through (All Students)  ____Read “A Shot” Pg. 235. Do Focus Questions A-K.  ____Reader Writer Notebook for “A Shot”  ____Literary Response Pg. 246  ____Autobiographical Narrative Rough Draft  ____Daily Language Practice Week 11  ____Ch. 2 Vocab Matrix Packet  ____Read Ch. 1 of “Old Man and the Sea” (Quiz in class)  *Study for Flowers/A Shot and Ch. 2 Test  Beyond (Advanced and Extra Credit)  Write a persuasive essay about what makes a “Good U.S. Citizen”  Find a book by Maya Angelou. Bring to class.

13 Housekeeping  Stamp  Grading  Headings   **Next Week….out at 11

14 8 th Grade American History T1-Week 11 Objectives: Students will….  Review all standards and objectives in Chapter 9  Get an A or B on Chapter 9 Test

15 Citizenship Project  Who are you volunteering for?  Articles

16 Note Check Left-Vocab/Main IdeasRight-Definitions/Details

17 Disagreements=Political Parties Pg. 304  Strong national Government  Limited National Government FederalistsDemocrat-Republicans George Washington Farewell address…”Quote” Pg. 303

18 Into/Through (All Students)  ____Ch. 9 Assessment Pg. 308  ____Ch. 9 Reading Guide (Not Workbook)  ____Ch. 9 Take Home Test  ____Read “Thomas Jefferson” on (Be ready for Quiz)  Beyond (Advanced and Extra Credit)

19 8 th Grade Physical Science T1-Week 11 Objectives: Students will….  (Language Objective) write an essay describing the structure of an atom  Understand how a spectrascope is used  Know how electrons fill the energy levels of an atom

20 Atom Quiz (10 Pts.)  Atomic Mass____  Element Symbol__  Element Name__________  Number of Protons in this atom____  Number of Electrons in this atom______

21 Quiz….  Draw these atoms….  6. Lithium  7. Boron  8. What is the charge of the….  Proton____  Neutron____  Electron____

22 Ch. 6 Lesson 2  What do those electrons do?  Atom Game!!!

23 Into/Through (All Students)  ____Read Chapter 6 Lesson 2. Take Cornell Notes.  ____Do Questions Pg. 131  ____Workbook Pgs. _____________________  ____Bioluminescence Questions Pg. 133  ____Atom Essay Final  ____Ch. 6 Assessment Pg. 135  *Study for Ch. 6 Test  Beyond (Advanced and Extra Credit)  Make Atom Models  Grade___________ TW______________

24 Testing/Conference Time L.A. Benchmark handed in  Hand in Tests  Hand in work  Graded as marked  PE form signed  Stamped Sample TestsTo Do….

25 Math Objectives: Students Will: -Add and Subtract with unlike denominators - Add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions - Through (All Students)  Lessons __________  __________________Parent Signature  ____Ch. ___ Lesson ___  ____Fractions Packet (as marked)  ____Homework Practice Workbook Lessons _____  Beyond (Advanced and Extra Credit)  ____Do lesson 1-9. Do Guided Practice for lesson 6 with 100%.  Grade_____________ TW_______________ Into (Below Grade Level or getting D/F)  _______Timed Multiplication Practice Activity

26 Physical Science….what is it? ( “The Universe and it’s Future”) From Atom……To universe

27 Relative Characterization Assignment  Describe a relative in detail  Use “character traits” not physical descriptions  Describe what you admire about them  Describe what “motivates” them

28 Science Benchmark Benchmark Test

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