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Complex Sentences 2/24/14 – 2/28/14. What do you notice about the structure of this sentence? As I stride toward the elevator, I fling my bow to one side.

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Presentation on theme: "Complex Sentences 2/24/14 – 2/28/14. What do you notice about the structure of this sentence? As I stride toward the elevator, I fling my bow to one side."— Presentation transcript:

1 Complex Sentences 2/24/14 – 2/28/14

2 What do you notice about the structure of this sentence? As I stride toward the elevator, I fling my bow to one side and my quiver to the other. - The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

3 As I stride toward the elevator, I fling my bow to one side and my quiver to the other. - The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins As I run toward my car, I swing my purse to one side and my book bag to the other. - Mrs. Allinder’s Imitation of the Mentor Sentence

4 Imitate the mentor sentence using your own words. As I stride toward the elevator, I fling my bow to one side and my quiver to the other. - The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

5 1. As the day ended, 2. Although I tried to hurry, 3. After the game was over, 4. While we ate dinner, 5. When the bell rang, 6. Unless the rain stops, 7. Because the grass is so tall, 8. Before you go to bed, 9. If you want to go to the movies, 10. Since the dog ran away,

6 Find the mistakes in each version of the mentor sentence. 1. I stride toward the elevator. 2. I stride toward the elevator, I fling my bow to one side and my quiver to the other. 3. As I stride toward the elevator I fling my bow to one side and my quiver to the other. 4. As I stride toward the elevator, I fling my bow to one side and my quiver to the other? 5. As, I fling my bow to one side and my quiver to the other.

7 Which sentences are complex? 1. Because I have a test tomorrow, I will be going to bed early tonight. 2. After, I left the library, I went to the park to read my book. 3. While the lunch lady counted my money, I spotted a stain on her apron. 4. Bill wants to see a movie, but Sam wants to go skating. 5. So you want to go to college, you must work hard to graduate high school.

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