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IKEA AD Delivery Model Weekly Status Report – 18-May-2012.

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Presentation on theme: "IKEA AD Delivery Model Weekly Status Report – 18-May-2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 IKEA AD Delivery Model Weekly Status Report – 18-May-2012

2 Scope of the project Resource onboarding lead time
Demand, forecast management POD tracker – how the POD work has to be converted Project startup Project setup Resourcing - guideline Communication model KT process Resource onboarding KPI s QMS Dashboard Training

3 Scope of the project Skill Matrix AD & AM collaboration AWoW process
Utilisation/Margin Meetings Sr. Manager and onshore interaction Time accounting Transfer from other SBU Vacation calendar Resource manager

4 BD / ME (CR and Releases) - Workflow
IKEA Project Management Client Coordination End to End Delivery Responsibility Opportunity Identification, Assessment Solution & Client Coordination Costing & Required Approvals Front end Teams Project Manager (Onsite, Offshore or Landed) Project Delivery Client Coordination Design and Reviews Transition & Team Ramp up Solution Ownership Coordination with Offshore POD Creation Estimations Delivery Assurance Required buy in from Offshore Team Ramp up Rebadged and Landed Resources Status Reporting Project Delivery Onsite / Offshore Coordination Offshore SDMs Vaidy / Srikanth Offshore AD Lead - Debasish

5 New Business (Projects) - Workflow
IKEA Project Management Client Coordination End to End Delivery Responsibility Opportunity Identification, Assessment Bid Management Solution & Client Coordination Costing & Required Approvals Front end Teams Project Manager (Onsite, Offshore or Landed) Project Delivery Client Coordination Design and Rviews Transition & Team Ramp up Solution Ownership Coordination with Offshore POD & Bid Creation For Large projects say > Hrs Pre Sales Support - Seemanto Rebadged and Landed Resources Offshore AD Lead - Debasish Estimations Part of the Solution team Part of POD and Bid Creation Delivery Assurance Required buy in from Offshore Team Ramp up Project Delivery Status Reporting

6 POD lifecycle POD which has got more than 50% likeliness should be actively tracked for resource identification incase additional resource is required on above capacity. POD which has got less than 50% likeliness will not be actively tracked for resource identification over and above the capacity.

7 Project Startup Once the POD has been approved and communication has been received from onshore DM or SDM project startup activities has to be kicked off and performed: Mobilisation Resource onboarding Setting up standard process and tools Define Project team structure Define Roles and responsibilities Identify the risks and dependencies Define client acceptance procedure and agree acceptance criteria with client. Along with contractual deliverables. Create project contact list Vacation calendar Skill matrix Confirm the project and deliver approach, SDLC methodologies which has to be followed Confirm offshore and onshore project team terms of reference

8 Project Startup Setup Project environment Setup Delivery Environment
Initiate QMS Initiate configuration and release management Setup project and knowledge repository

9 Mobilisation Resource onboarding Define Project team structure Define Roles and responsibilities Setting up standard process and tools Setup Project environment Setup Delivery Environment Initiate configuration and release management Setup project and knowledge repository Create project contact list Vacation calendar Skill matrix Confirm the project and delivery approach Confirm off-shore onshore scope, estimate Define/agree client acceptance procedure and acceptance criteria. Confirm offshore and onshore project team terms of reference Identify the risks and dependencies Initiate QMS

10 Define Project team structure Define Roles and responsibilities
Setup project environment Create project contact list Define roles and responsibilities Setting delivery environment Define project team structure Mobilization Setting standard process and tools Initiate configuration & release management Setup project and knowledge repository Vacation Calendar Skill Matrix Confirm the project and delivery approach Confirm off-shore onshore scope, estimate Define client acceptance procedure and acceptance criteria Confirm offshore & onshore project team terms of reference Initiate QMS Identify risk and dependencies Mobilisation Resource onboarding Define Project team structure Define Roles and responsibilities Setting up standard process and tools Setup Project environment Setup Delivery Environment Initiate configuration and release management Setup project and knowledge repository Create project contact list Vacation calendar Skill matrix Confirm the project and delivery approach Confirm off-shore onshore scope, estimate Define/agree client acceptance procedure and acceptance criteria. Confirm offshore and onshore project team terms of reference Identify the risks and dependencies Initiate QMS

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