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RULES AND LAWS By Mrs. Plum’s First Grade Class. RULES AT SCHOOL We have rules at school to keep us safe.

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Presentation on theme: "RULES AND LAWS By Mrs. Plum’s First Grade Class. RULES AT SCHOOL We have rules at school to keep us safe."— Presentation transcript:

1 RULES AND LAWS By Mrs. Plum’s First Grade Class

2 RULES AT SCHOOL We have rules at school to keep us safe.

3 RULES AT SCHOOL We have rules at school so that everyone knows what to do. We are quiet in the library so people can concentrate. You must use the front entrance and sign in so we know who is in our school.

4 RULES AT SCHOOL Many rules are to keep us safe. Other rules help things run smoothly and keep everything fair. We have rules in our classrooms to help make it so that everyone can learn.

5 RULES AT SCHOOL Rules help us not get hurt. We know how to enter the gym safely, and treat others nicely. Some rules help us not interrupt other classes while they are learning.

6 RULES AT SCHOOL Some rules help us remember what to do, like when to come into the school, or for visitors to stop in the office, or even not to talk on the phone while in the office.

7 RULES IN OUR COMMUNITY We have rules about driving to keep everyone safe. Parking rules help people who need a closer spot be able to have one.

8 RULES IN OUR COMMUNITY There are rules at Bethany Child Care to keep all of the kids safe.

9 RULES IN OUR COMMUNITY There are rules at the YMCA and at the skating rink too. They are to keep us safe!

10 RULES IN OTHER PLACES Even on vacation, rules help keep us safe!

11 RULES ARE HERE TO HELP US! We have rules everywhere we go to help keep us safe, and make things fair! Be safe and be fair, and follow the rules! Follow laws too, and you will stay safe!

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