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The Multivariate Gaussian

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Presentation on theme: "The Multivariate Gaussian"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Multivariate Gaussian
Jian Zhao

2 Outline What is multivariate Gaussian? Parameterizations
Mathematical Preparation Joint distributions, Marginalization and conditioning Maximum likelihood estimation

3 What is multivariate Gaussian?
                                                  What is multivariate Gaussian? Where x is a n*1 vector, ∑ is an n*n, symmetric matrix

4 Geometrical interpret
Exclude the normalization factor and exponential function, we look the quadratic form This is a quadratic form. If we set it to a constant value c, considering the case that n=2, we obtained

5 Geometrical interpret (continued)
This is a ellipse with the coordinate x1 and x2. Thus we can easily image that when n increases the ellipse became higher dimension ellipsoids

6 Geometrical interpret (continued)
Thus we get a Gaussian bump in n+1 dimension Where the level surfaces of the Gaussian bump are ellipsoids oriented along the eigenvectors of ∑

7 Parameterization Another type of parameterization, putting it into the form of exponential family

8 Mathematical preparation
In order to get the marginalization and conditioning of the partitioned multivariate Gaussian distribution, we need the theory of block diagonalizing a partitioned matrix In order to maximum the likelihood estimation, we need the knowledge of traces of the matrix.

9 Partitioned matrices Consider a general patitioned matrix To zero out the upper-right-hand and lower-left-hand corner of M, we can premutiply and postmultiply matrices in the following form

10 Partitioned matrices (continued)
Define Schur complement of Matrix M with respect to H , denote M/H as the term Since So

11 Partitioned matrices (continued)
Note that we could alternatively have decomposed the matrix m in terms of E and M/E, yielding the following expression for the inverse.

12 Partitioned matrices (continued)
Thus we get At the same time we get the conclusion |M| = |M/H||H|

13 Theory of traces Define It has the following properties:
tr[ABC] = tr[CAB] = tr[BCA]

14 Theory of traces (continued)

15 Theory of traces (continued)
We want to show that Since Recall This is equivalent to prove Noting that

16 Joint distributions, Marginalization and conditioning
We partition the n by 1 vector x into p by 1 and q by 1, which n = p + q

17 Marginalization and conditioning

18 Normalization factor

19 Marginalization and conditioning

20 Marginalization & Conditioning

21 In another form Marginalization Conditioning

22 Maximum likelihood estimation
Calculating µ Taking derivative with respect to µ Setting to zero

23 Estimate ∑ We need to take the derivative with respect to ∑
according to the property of traces

24 Estimate ∑ Thus the maximum likelihood estimator is
The maximum likelihood estimator of canonical parameters are


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