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Measures of immigrant stocks in the UK Emma Wright Office for National Statistics, UK.

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1 Measures of immigrant stocks in the UK Emma Wright Office for National Statistics, UK

2 Overview Analysis of origin and ancestry of UK Population focuses on: Country of birth Ethnicity Outline of presentation Data requirements within the UK UK data sources Recent results Future work

3 Data requirements in the UK Ethnicity data required at national and local level: –picture of ethnic groups over time –promote equal opportunities Analysis in the past was based on country of birth and parents’ countries of birth BUT less relevant as later generations born in UK Question on ethnicity first included on the Census in 1991 (Great Britain only). Following further development, a revised question was included on all the UK Censuses in 2001.

4 UK Ethnic Group Classification (1) Level 1Level 2 WHITEBritish Irish Other white background MIXEDWhite and Black Caribbean White and Black African White and Asian Other Mixed background ASIAN ORIndian ASIAN BRITISHPakistani Bangladeshi Other Asian background

5 UK Ethnic Group Classification (2) Level 1Level 2 BLACK orCaribbean BLACK BRITISHAfrican Other Black background CHINESE orChinese OTHER ETHNICOther ethnic group GROUP NOT STATED

6 Data Sources Census –Country of Birth –Ethnicity (since 1991) Labour Force Survey –Country of Birth, Ethnicity AND –Nationality General Household Survey –Country of Birth AND –Parents’ country of birth

7 UK Population by Ethnic Group Ethnic GroupPopulationPer Cent White 54.2m 92.1 Mixed 0.7m 1.2 Asian/Asian British 2.3m 4.0 Black/Black British 1.1m 2.0 Chinese 0.2m 0.4 Other ethnic groups 0.2m 0.4 All minority groups 4.6m 7.9 Total population 58.8m 100.0 Census, April 2001

8 UK Ethnic Minority Population Census, April 2001

9 UK Overseas-born Population In 2001, 8.3 per cent of the UK population were born overseas, almost double that in 1951 (4.2 per cent). Only 53 per cent of the overseas-born population was White (compared to 96 per cent of those born in the UK). Census, April 2001

10 UK Overseas-born Population Census, April 2001

11 Second generation migrants Parents’ country of birthPopulation% 2nd generation migrants: 5.6m 10.6 One parent born outside UK 3.4m 6.4 Both parents born outside UK 2.2m 4.2 Both parents born in UK 46.8m 89.0 Missing data 0.2m 0.4 All people born in UK 52.6m 100.0 General Household Survey, 2001 (Great Britain)

12 Results: UK Population in 2001 Ethnicity 4.6 million people (7.9%) belonged to non-White ethnic groups. (2001 Census) Country of Birth 4.9 million people (8.3%) were born overseas, of whom just under half belonged to non-White ethnic groups. (2001 Census) 2nd Generation Migrants 5.6 million people (10.6%) estimated to have have been born in the UK but have at least one overseas- born parent. (General Household Survey, 2001)

13 Future work National Statistics Quality Review on International Migration statistics recommended: –work to reconcile stock and flow data on the UK’s international migrants; –investigation of data and methods to estimate the stock of unauthorised migrants in the UK; –consideration of the inclusion of both nationality and year of entry to the UK on future UK Censuses. A full user consultation on the questions and classifications to be used for the 2011 Census in England & Wales (starts May 2005).

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