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The Role of the State, Community and Family in a European Perspective Yitzhak Berman.

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1 The Role of the State, Community and Family in a European Perspective Yitzhak Berman

2 Social quality is defined as 'the extent to which people are able to participate in social relationships under conditions which enhance their well-being, capacity and individual potential'

3 CONDITIONAL FACTORS OF SOCIAL QUALITY Socio-economic securitythe extent to which people have sufficient resources over time - economic security - housing - health (social care) - education Social inclusionthe extent to which people have access to institutions and social relations Social cohesionthe nature of social relations based on shared identities, values and norms Social empowermentthe extent to which the personal capabilities of individual people and their ability to act are enhanced by social relations

4 WELFARE REGIMES System Types LiberalConservativeScandinavianOikonomic Model examples USAGermanyDenmark Taiwan Locus of solidarity MarketFamilyStateFamily Role of the state MarginalSubsidiaryCentral Primary caring services Family/marketFamily/NGOsState/family % single person household 27.335.836.8 % of population age 65+ 12.619.915.4 Total tax revenue as % of GDP 28.336.248.9

5 Collective identities providing social welfare services StateCommunityFamily Economic security Housing Health Education

6 Policy variables in Long-term care for the aged CountryWelfare- Regime Policy base Community and institutional services Focus of service provision Social inclusion England Liberal-SocialStatutory support Local authorities and the private sector Safety net and dependent upon local resources Minimal: older people are isolated and excluded The Netherlands ConservativeStatutory support NGOsCentralized: Resources and the ideological framework allows practitioners to give more time, flexibility and autonomy to clients. Involvement: Rights of the older people to participate in local policy making and care provision. Taiwan Liberal- Conservative Family integration NGOs and the private sector Minimal centralization but strong consumerism and family involvement High “support saving account” and “care charging reduction” programmes - in promoting social inclusion in developing care system

7 EVALUATION MODULE Inclusion of community in social welfare and social services Input of stateCommunity process Service outcome Availability of state funding for services: eg. Community schools, Social care Extent to which community has established services. Proportion of the community using services. Extent of community needs met by state-funded community services

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