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“Amigo Brothers” by Piri Thomas

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1 “Amigo Brothers” by Piri Thomas

2 Barrage PART OF SPEECH: noun DEFINITION: a rapid, heavy attack
SENTENCE: He received a barrage of criticism for his comments.

3 devastating PART OF SPEECH: adjective
DEFINITION: causing great pain or destruction SENTENCE: The report shows the devastating effects of the illness.

4 pensively PART OF SPEECH: adverb DEFINITION: thoughtfully
SENTENCE: She considered the offer pensively.

5 Torrent PART OF SPEECH: noun DEFINITION: a violent, rushing stream
SENTENCE: The crowd burst into a torrent of laughter.

6 perpetual PART OF SPEECH: adjective DEFINITION: continual; unending
SENTENCE: He can’t stand her perpetual complaining.

7 unbridled PART OF SPEECH: adjective
DEFINITION: lacking restraint or control SENTENCE: We were surprised at their unbridled enthusiasm.

8 dispel PART OF SPEECH: verb DEFINITION: to get rid of
SENTENCE: They worked hard to dispel my concerns.

9 bedlam PART OF SPEECH: noun DEFINITION: a noisy confusion
SENTENCE: It was a noisy classroom, where bedlam ruled.

10 flail PART OF SPEECH: verb DEFINITION: to wave wildly
SENTENCE: His arms began to flail as he lost his balance.

11 clarity PART OF SPEECH: noun DEFINITION: clearness of mind
SENTENCE: She has remarkable clarity for a person her age.

12 PRACTICE: First, add your own sentence to your vocabulary notes.
Then, your mission is to create ONE logical and coherent sentence using AS MANY vocab words as possible. You must use at least 2. Run-on sentences are forbidden. GOOD LUCK :o)

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