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State of Kansas Deposit Adjustments Statewide Management, Accounting and Reporting Tool The following Desk Aid instructs users on how to complete a Deposit.

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Presentation on theme: "State of Kansas Deposit Adjustments Statewide Management, Accounting and Reporting Tool The following Desk Aid instructs users on how to complete a Deposit."— Presentation transcript:

1 State of Kansas Deposit Adjustments Statewide Management, Accounting and Reporting Tool The following Desk Aid instructs users on how to complete a Deposit Adjustment. Deposit Adjustments are processed to correct ChartField errors on previously deposited money, some examples include: Incorrect Account Incorrect Fund Incorrect Department Deposit Adjustments do not modify the original Deposit amount, they simply update the ChartFields associated in the General Ledger. Accounts and Reports uses the ‘STO Approval’ to approve Deposit Adjustments. Deposit ID and Payment ID for Agency initiated transactions are Agency assigned. The naming convention used in this Desk Aid is encouraged for tracking purposes but is not required. The Agency roles needed to perform this transaction are: KAR_AGY_DEPOSIT_PROCESSOR and KAR_AGY_ADMIN. 6/21/20101Version 1.0

2 State of Kansas Deposit Adjustments Statewide Management, Accounting and Reporting Tool 6/21/20102Version 1.0 Step 1: Locate the Original Deposit Navigate to: Accounts Receivable>Payments>Online Payments>Regular Deposit A. Determine which payment needs adjusted (note the Payment ID)

3 State of Kansas Deposit Adjustments Statewide Management, Accounting and Reporting Tool 6/21/20103Version 1.0 Step 1: Locate the Original Deposit Navigate to: Accounts Receivable>Payments>Online Payments>Regular Deposit B. Determine what needs adjusted on the Accounting Entries Tab (in this example we will use ‘Account’)

4 State of Kansas Deposit Adjustments Statewide Management, Accounting and Reporting Tool 6/21/20104Version 1.0 Step 2: Create a Deposit Adjustment – Totals Tab A. Note that the Deposit ID is 07AR0604-ADJ (Original Deposit ID with ADJ added). B. Note that the Deposit Type must be ‘A’ – Adjustment. C. Note the that Control Total Amount is $0.00. D. Note that the Control Count is ‘2’. E. Complete the ‘Comments’ section with a high level overview of what you are adjusting and why. Also include your name and phone number.

5 State of Kansas Deposit Adjustments Statewide Management, Accounting and Reporting Tool 6/21/20105Version 1.0 Step 2: Create a Deposit Adjustment – Payments Tab F. Note that there are 2 payments. Payment ID ‘123-ADJ1’ will reverse the original accounting tied to Payment ID ‘123’ and ‘123-ADJ2’ allows for the correction to the accounting.

6 State of Kansas Deposit Adjustments Statewide Management, Accounting and Reporting Tool 6/21/20106Version 1.0 Step 3: Create Accounting Entries Navigate to: Accounts Receivable>Payments>Direct Journal Payments>Create Accounting Entries A. Locate the Deposit

7 State of Kansas Deposit Adjustments Statewide Management, Accounting and Reporting Tool 6/21/20107Version 1.0 Step 3: Create Accounting Entries B. Create and Complete Accounting for Payment Sequence 1: This accounting reverses the original accounting for Payment-123. You can manually enter the accounting or use the SpeedChart associated to the original accounting (if known). Note that the line amount is the opposite of the payment amount.

8 State of Kansas Deposit Adjustments Statewide Management, Accounting and Reporting Tool 6/21/20108Version 1.0 Step 3: Create Accounting Entries C. Create and Complete Accounting for Payment Sequence 2: This accounting places the money into the corrected ‘Account’. You can manually enter the accounting or use a SpeedChart. Note that the line amount is the opposite of the payment amount.

9 State of Kansas Deposit Adjustments Statewide Management, Accounting and Reporting Tool 6/21/20109Version 1.0 Step 4: Review and Agency Approve the Deposit Navigate to: Accounts Receivable>Payments>Online Payments>Regular Deposit A. Locate the Deposit and Review the Accounting

10 State of Kansas Deposit Adjustments Statewide Management, Accounting and Reporting Tool 6/21/201010Version 1.0 Step 4: Review and Agency Approve the Deposit Navigate to: Accounts Receivable>Payments>Online Payments>Regular Deposit B. Agency Approve the Deposit

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