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News from Portugal: platforms, apps, and teachers as resource creators Fernando Rui Campos (POR) October 6, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "News from Portugal: platforms, apps, and teachers as resource creators Fernando Rui Campos (POR) October 6, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 News from Portugal: platforms, apps, and teachers as resource creators Fernando Rui Campos (POR) October 6, 2013

2 Repositories LRE/insafe Integration

3 Widgets - iTEC

4 Digital Learning Resources (Commercial & CC lic.) Project managed by European SchoolNet: USING DLR tablets 400 resources translated and localized to Portuguese. C.C licensing Commercial Platform with all curriculum subjects

5 iTunes U collections

6 Community of Practice Educational repositories Licensing ebook Digital quality assets Creation DLR support docs. Quality criteria Sharing Discussion Forums DLR teachers docs

7 Digital assets and Digital Learning Resources Repositories Travell Well and LRE Open Licences Creation DLR |Models and tools Quality Ebooks

8 LRE widget search – Plain and TW

9 Sharing DLR in Portuguese schools 1 L7-LRE & Widget Store [international] L6-Schools Portal [national] L5-ICT Competence Centre [regional]L4-School Moodle Platforms [school/Grouped] L3-Moodle or learning platform is organized by Department*[School department] L2-Shared Disks – Department level [discipline] L1- USB&DVD - classroom [teacher personal collection] In the Portuguese public school system, the department is normally grouped by several different disciplines 1- The technologic infrastructure are referred as an example Potentially higher degree sharing BY-SA adpted Campos,F.

10 Quality educational assets: Exploratorium Europeana Wikipedia for schools Social Assets (PICASA; etc) Quality DLR from: Repositories [Schools portal; LRE;OER…] Commercial Platforms and Resources Widgets/Widget Store (iTEC project) Use DLR DLR Use in Portuguese schools

11 Quality educational assets: Exploratorium Europeana Wikipedia for schools Social Assets (PICASA; etc) DLR models; examples; Authoring, aggregating & converting Tools ICT Support Creation DLR DLR Creation in Portuguese schools

12 Next Steps National Call for Teachers to create Open Educational Resources – Year 2014 Expanding and disseminating the Digital Learning Resources Community Microsoft Windows 8 app holding webinars, etc.

13 Fernando Rui Campos Thank you ICT in Education Unit [MoE]

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