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Using Cellular Devices as Learning tools Greeneville High School Greeneville, TN Dr. Linda Stroud, GHS Principal Beverly Miller, Greeneville City Schools.

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Presentation on theme: "Using Cellular Devices as Learning tools Greeneville High School Greeneville, TN Dr. Linda Stroud, GHS Principal Beverly Miller, Greeneville City Schools."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Cellular Devices as Learning tools Greeneville High School Greeneville, TN Dr. Linda Stroud, GHS Principal Beverly Miller, Greeneville City Schools CTO Larry Jones, GCS Network Admin


3  2007-2008 school year  Administrators seeking to block cellular transmissions  Cell phone discipline incidents out of hand  Teachers struggling with cell phone issues  Students – connected to world only before/after school 2008-2009 school year  Encouraged appropriate usage  Students more engaged  Fewer discipline problems  Connected to world before/during/after school  1:1 finally a possibility

4 Dr. Linda Stroud – GHS Principal

5  Cell phone usage by students had become a HUGE behavioral issue at GHS and was overwhelming the discipline policy.

6  Use cell phones as learning tools!  Use them to our advantage to motivate students for learning and as a reward.  Set and enforce reasonable consequences that have the desired effect.

7  It works! Cell phones are no longer a behavior issue at GHS.  Approximately 900 students x 4 periods per day x 120 school days = 432,000 opportunities for cell phone policy violation! However,  To date at GHS for the 2008-2009 school year:  ONLY 148 cell phones have been taken from students by teachers for policy violation  35 of those students elected to leave their cell phone in the school office for 7 days  103 students elected to pay a $20 fine for the return of their cell phone  $2060 have been collected in fines!








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