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IMPACT IN ONE REGION CAN AFFECT OTHER REGIONS. Establish an integrated and multi sectorial approach to disaster management Provide for an effective information.

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Presentation on theme: "IMPACT IN ONE REGION CAN AFFECT OTHER REGIONS. Establish an integrated and multi sectorial approach to disaster management Provide for an effective information."— Presentation transcript:

1 IMPACT IN ONE REGION CAN AFFECT OTHER REGIONS. Establish an integrated and multi sectorial approach to disaster management Provide for an effective information management system to facilitate collection, storage, analysis and dissemination of disaster management information. In 2008 drought affected 750,000 In the past two decades more than 200,000 Ugandans

2 Kampala Uganda Global eye never feel alone 2014 © thinkIT Inc.

3 Company overview LACK OF TIMELY HELP Problem >200 MILLION PEOPLE AFFECTED US$ 300 billion

4 Company overview state-of-the-art messaging based mobile application Solution >category<>space<>location<> space<>details< SEND TO 12:38

5 5 People get involved in the mitigation of the disasters around them as they receive benefits like free sms Saves time by bridging the gap between the person needing help and the party giving help Inexpensive Cuts the costs Disaster status Saves time Involvement Benefits

6 Company overview Free organizational subscriptions renewed on a yearly basis. Payments for Datasets Annual Family subscription. $4 per individual individuals that are not registered with Global eye pay $0.2 per sms Advertisements across the platform Business Model


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