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Leading Effective Teaching and Learning. Objectives 1.What are we trying to provide for young people in our schools? 2.What constitutes great teaching?

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Presentation on theme: "Leading Effective Teaching and Learning. Objectives 1.What are we trying to provide for young people in our schools? 2.What constitutes great teaching?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Leading Effective Teaching and Learning

2 Objectives 1.What are we trying to provide for young people in our schools? 2.What constitutes great teaching? 3.How do we bring about great learning in our schools? Leading Effective Teaching and Learning2

3 Part 1. What are we trying to provide for young people in our schools? Leading Effective Teaching and Learning3

4 Q1. Which of these are we trying to achieve? Leading Effective Teaching and Learning4 OR What serves young people best in the world they are in today and tomorrow? What is the percentage of each of these going on in schools?

5 The UN Charter: Leading Effective Teaching and Learning5 OR “The education of the child shall be directed to the development of the child’s personality, talents and mental and physical abilities to their fullest potential” How do we achieve this? By…….

6 Q2. Purpose and vision What is your school, subject or personal vision for the purpose of education? How would you go about realising this vision if you were free of all constraints? What are those constraints? Are they real or imagined or exaggerated (by some)? Leading Effective Teaching and Learning6

7 The debate Many debates about learning focus on the importance of A.knowledge, B.skills and C.characteristics (or attitudes) Let us here focus on B and C Leading Effective Teaching and Learning7

8 Activity 1 Skills Write down a list of the skills you think, and your school thinks, are most important for your students to develop before they leave school. Leading Effective Teaching and Learning8 What skills does Doreen here need?

9 Possible skills responses Physical Mental Listening Learning Social Learning to Learn Subject-specific Leading Effective Teaching and Learning9 Study Business Language Communication Thinking Reasoning Enquiry Creative thinking

10 Activity 2 Characteristics Write down a list of the characteristics (attitudes) you think, and your school thinks, are most important for your students to develop before they leave school. Leading Effective Teaching and Learning10

11 Possible characteristics responses? Empathy Creativity Adaptability Resilience Flexibility Understanding Resourcefulness Confidence Self-esteem Leading Effective Teaching and Learning11 Persistence Positivity Responsibility Curiosity Caring Sociability Responsibility Independence Self-efficacy If these characteristics are important how would you go about supporting pupils to develop them? How would you evaluate their development?

12 Activity 3 Putting it all together! Leading Effective Teaching and Learning12

13 Leading Effective Teaching and Learning13

14 Part 2. What constitutes great teaching? Leading Effective Teaching and Learning14

15 Q3. What makes a great lesson? Write down a list of the skills you think, and your school thinks, are most important for your students to develop before they leave school. Leading Effective Teaching and Learning15 1.What makes a great lesson? 2.Can you give three elements that make a lesson good? 3.What does a great lesson look like from the learner’s perspective?

16 Activity 4. Philip Beedle Leading Effective Teaching and Learning16 Please find the video in the in the Unit 4 folder in the sharefile

17 Activity 5. A science teacher Leading Effective Teaching and Learning17 Please find the video in the in the Unit 4 folder in the sharefile

18 Activity 5. A science teacher Leading Effective Teaching and Learning18 Please find the video in the in the Unit 4 folder in the sharefile

19 Hay McBer Report A good teacher………… is kind is generous listens to you encourages you has faith in you keeps confidences likes teaching children likes teaching their subject takes time to explain things helps you when you're stuck Leading Effective Teaching and Learning19 is kind tells you how you are doing allows you to have your say doesn't give up on you cares for your opinion makes you feel clever treats people equally stands up for you makes allowances tells the truth is forgiving. A year 8 pupil

20 Hay McBer, 2000 “We found that biometric data (i.e. information about teachers’ age and teaching experience, additional responsibilities, qualifications, career history and so on) did not allow us to predict their effectiveness as a teacher. Effective and outstanding teachers came from diverse background. Effective and outstanding teachers teach in all kinds of schools and school contexts”. Leading Effective Teaching and Learning20

21 Hay McBer Three key elements Leading Effective Teaching and Learning21

22 Teaching skills Leading Effective Teaching and Learning22 1 High expectations 2 Planning 3 Methods and strategies 4 Pupil management/discipline 5 Time and resource management 6 Assessment 7 Homework

23 Teaching skills Leading Effective Teaching and Learning23

24 Professional characteristics “Professional characteristics are deep-seated patterns of behaviour which outstanding teachers display more often, in more circumstances and to a greater degree of intensity than effective colleagues. They are how the teacher does the job, and have to do with self-image and values; traits, or the way the teacher habitually approaches situations; and at the deepest level, the motivation that drives performance.” Leading Effective Teaching and Learning24

25 Professional characteristics Leading Effective Teaching and Learning25 1Professionalism 2Thinking 3Planning and setting expectations 4Leading 5Relating to others

26 Professional characteristics Hay McBer “Whilst teaching skills can be learned, sustaining these behaviours over the course of a career will depend on the deeper seated nature of professional characteristics”. Leading Effective Teaching and Learning26

27 Professional characteristics Do we have to have all of them? “Referring to the clusters of professional characteristics the Hay McBer Report says that, “effective teachers need to have some strengths in each of them”. Realising and recognising the distinctive nature of each teacher the report makes clear that: “Effective teachers show distinctive combinations of characteristics that create success for their pupils”. Leading Effective Teaching and Learning27

28 Professional characteristics Teachers are not clones “There is, in other words, a multiplicity of ways in which particular characteristics determine how a teacher chooses which approach to use from a repertoire of established techniques in order to influence how pupils feel”. Leading Effective Teaching and Learning28

29 Classroom climate Leading Effective Teaching and Learning29 1Clarity 2Order 3Standards 4Fairness 5Participation 6Support 7Safety 8Interest 9Environment

30 Q4. Seeking excellence 1.In striving for excellence in teaching what one teaching skill are you looking for above all others? Why is this? 2.In striving for excellence in teaching what one professional characteristic are you looking for above all others? Why is this? 3.In striving for excellence in teaching what one classroom climate are you looking for above all others? Why is this? Leading Effective Teaching and Learning30

31 Part 3. How do we bring about great learning in our schools? Leading Effective Teaching and Learning31

32 Principles of Learning Learning Is Not Necessarily an Outcome of Teaching What Students Learn Is Influenced by Their Existing Ideas Progression in Learning Is Usually From the Concrete to the Abstract People Learn to Do Well Only What They Practice Doing Effective Learning by Students Requires Feedback Expectations Affect Performance Leading Effective Teaching and Learning32

33 Summary Leading Effective Teaching and Learning33

34 Summary Leading Effective Teaching and Learning34

35 Q4. Seeking excellence What action will you now take based on what you have learnt in this unit? Leading Effective Teaching and Learning35

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