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Cashing in on Business: Entrepreneurship Rural Community College Initiative Institute April 4, 2006 Presented by: Howard College 1001 Birdwell Lane, Big.

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Presentation on theme: "Cashing in on Business: Entrepreneurship Rural Community College Initiative Institute April 4, 2006 Presented by: Howard College 1001 Birdwell Lane, Big."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cashing in on Business: Entrepreneurship Rural Community College Initiative Institute April 4, 2006 Presented by: Howard College 1001 Birdwell Lane, Big Spring, TX 79720 (432) 264-5000

2 Entrepreneurship: What does it mean? Global Definition- Definitions have emphasized a broad range of activities including the creation of organizations (Gartner, 1988), the carrying out of new combinations (Schumpeter, 1934), the exploration of opportunities (Kirzner, 1973), the bearing of uncertainty (Knight 1921), the bringing together of factors of production (Say, 1803) Local Context- Entrepreneurship in a rural setting, while adhering to the standard characteristics, can have a much more obvious, poignant definition.

3 Profile of an Entrepreneur someone who organizes and assumes the risk of a business in return for the profits (Casson, Mark ) Someone who pioneers change One who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise (Merriam Webster Dictionary)

4 Rural America Big Spring, TX “Big Sky, Big Heart, Big Spring” -History representative of a classification but unique in its character-

5 An Idea “There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world, and that is an idea whose time has come.” -Victor Hugo “Money never starts an idea. It is always the idea that starts the money.” -Owen Laughlin “All achievements, all earned riches, have their beginning in an idea.” -Napoleon Hill It began as a conversation in passing…

6 A Partnership RCCI-Howard College and its land-grant affiliate Texas A&M University Texas Cooperative Extension Agency Big Spring Area Chamber of Commerce Moore Economic Development Corporation Permian Basin Workforce Development Board

7 A Plan The logistics… Determining the audience Setting the program & getting the curriculum Assigning and requesting speakers The marketing strategy… A sponsored “kick-off” luncheon Print materials and registration forms Radio and newspaper

8 To Date… A successful “kick-off” luncheon Attendance statistics Future plans

9 Data Collection General community “buy-in” and responsiveness Authentic feedback from individual participants

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