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Tobacco Nicotine: An addictive drug found in tobacco leaves Addictive Drug: A substance that causes physiological and psychological dependence Stimulant:

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Presentation on theme: "Tobacco Nicotine: An addictive drug found in tobacco leaves Addictive Drug: A substance that causes physiological and psychological dependence Stimulant:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tobacco Nicotine: An addictive drug found in tobacco leaves Addictive Drug: A substance that causes physiological and psychological dependence Stimulant: A drug that increases the actions of the CNS Carcinogen: A chemical known to cause cancer

2 Tobacco Carbon Monoxide: A colorless, odorless, poisonous gas found in cigarette smoke. Tar: A thick, stick, dark fluid that is produced when tobacco burns Smokeless Tobacco: tobacco that is placed in the mouth. (Dip, Chew, Snuff) Leukoplakia: Thick white leathery spots in the mouth. Pre-cancerous cells.

3 Smokeless Tobacco

4 Tobacco Short term effects: Withdrawal symptoms; headaches, nervousness, trembling. Irregular heart rate Taste buds and appetite suppressed Yellow teeth, fingernails, and smelly hair and clothing.

5 Tobacco Long term effects: Chronic bronchitis…cilia rendered ineffective Emphysema…air sacs can’t absorb O 2 Lung Cancer… Heart Disease & Stroke Weakened immune system

6 Anatomy of a Cigarette

7 Cigarette Ingredients Toluene is found in Dynamite, Gasoline & cigarette smoke. Formaldehyde preserves the dead & is found in cigarette smoke. Geraniol is found in pesticides & cigarettes. Acetone removes nail polish & is found in cigarette smoke.

8 Cigarette Ingredients Hydrazine is found in rocket fuel & cigarettes. Cadmium is found in batteries & cigarettes. Cinnemaldyhyde is found in pest repellant & cigarettes. Methanol is found in antifreeze & cigarettes.

9 Cigarette Ingredients Urea is found in urine, sweat & cigarettes. Naphthalene, an ingredient in mothballs- - is also found in cigarette smoke. Benzene, arsenic and cyanide are all poisons found in cigarette smoke.

10 Cigarette Ingredients Hydrogen cyanide has been used in prison executions and is found in cigarette smoke.

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