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Idea Program Interesting Dimensions that Extend Abilities Darien Public Schools October 8, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Idea Program Interesting Dimensions that Extend Abilities Darien Public Schools October 8, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Idea Program Interesting Dimensions that Extend Abilities Darien Public Schools October 8, 2015

2 Welcome Parents ■ Darien’s process for identifying gifted children ■ Idea program curriculum ■ Characteristics of gifted children ■ DAEG ■ Questions

3 Idea Program Identification Students are identified as gifted in grades 1-8. The Idea program is a pull-out program in grades 1-5. Students in grades 6-8 attend Idea class two days a week during their lunch period. In grade 9 students are enrolled in Idea class two class periods per week.

4 What criteria is used to identify students as gifted in Darien? OLSAT (Otis-Lennon School Ability Test) scores Writing samples DRA/DRP (reading test) scores Teacher ranking form Parent ranking form

5 Idea Program Curriculum Grades 1 & 2: Development of Language & Patterns Grade 3:Innovations & Inventions Grade 4: Forum & All Things Greek Grade 5: Western Civilization Grade 6: Future Worlds Grade 7: Time Grade 8: Philosophy & Socratic Seminar Grade 9: Achiever’s Project *WordMasters


7 Intellectual Characteristics ■ Passion for learning ■ Rapid learning rate ■ Recognizes and understands abstractions ■ Exceptional reasoning ability ■ Powers of concentration ■ Vivid imagination

8 Personality Characteristics ■ Insightfulness / sensitivity ■ Need to understand ■ Perfectionism ■ Intensity / perseverance ■ Acute self awareness ■ Questioning of rules / authority ■ Sense of humor

9 Gifted Behavior ■ Insightfulness / sensitivity ■ Need to understand ■ Perfectionism Intensity / perseverance ■ Acute self awareness ■ Questioning of rules / authority ■ Passion for learning ■ Rapid learning rate ■ Recognizes and understands abstractions ■ Exceptional reasoning ability ■ Powers /concentration ■ Vivid imagination

10 Idea Program ■ Gifted students, in the Darien Public Schools, are those students in grades 1 through 9 who demonstrate or show potential for exceptional intellectual or specific academic capability. ■ They comprise 5 to 8% of the general student population and their needs cannot be met fully in the mainstream education environment.

11 CT State Board of Education Instruction for gifted is differentiated by: ➢ Faster pacing, greater depth and breadth ➢ Higher levels of abstractions and complexity ➢ Presentation at an earlier age


13 Idea Program Goals Provide an opportunity for learning and exchange with intellectual peers. Development of communication and social skills Encourage intellectual risk-taking Provide a “safe” learning environment



16 Contact Information Joan Glass, B.A., M.A.T.

17 Promoting Excellence at Home* ■ clarity of rules and feedback ■ consistency of standards ■ family time for challenging activities ■ high degree of trust ■ a sense of security and commitment ■ constructive use of leisure time ■ *VanTassel-Baska. Joyce. Excellence in Educating Gifted and Talented Learners. Denver: Love Publishing Company, 1998.

18 Resources CT Association for the Gifted eList.php Resources on gifted children Darien Advocates for Education of the Gifted

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