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Published byWinifred Dennis Modified over 9 years ago
Introduction to Simulations CS1316: Representing Structure and Behavior
Story What’s a simulation? Why do we simulate? Discrete vs. Continuous Resources Building software to be modifiable: Software Engineering Building models out of objects: aggregation, generalizing and specializing Continuous Simulations Predatory-prey: Wolves and Deer Changing our simulation Creating hungry wolves Other options: Hungry deer? Deer sex? Wolf sex? How do we compare simulations? Creating text files
Simulations “A simulation is a representation of a system of objects in a real or fantasy world. The purpose of creating a computer simulation is to provide a framework in which to understand the simulated situation, for example, to understand the behavior of a waiting line, the workload of clerks, or the timeliness of service to customers. A computer simulation makes it possible to collect statistics about these situations, and to test out new ideas about their organization.” Adele Goldberg & David Robson, Smalltalk-80: The Language and Its Implementation (Addison-Wesley, 1989)
Simulations and Objects Object-oriented programming was invented, in part, to make simulations easier to build! The characteristics of objects make them more like real world objects, e.g., Each thing knows some stuff and knows how to do some stuff. Objects get things done by asking each other to do things. Your internals are private, unless you want to make them otherwise.
Continuous vs. Discrete Simulations Two main kinds of simulations in the world. Continuous: Each moment of time is simulated. When every moment counts. Discrete: Skip to the important moments. Want to simulate 100 years?
Resources Resources are points of coordination in a simulation. Examples: A cashier, a library book, a parking space on a ferry, a jelly bean. Some resources are fixed and others are produced and consumed. Some resources are renewable and shared. Others are coordinated. Example: For a surgeon to do a surgery, the patient must meet the surgeon at the operating table (the resource)
When an object has to wait… What happens if you (or your proxy object) need a resource and it’s not available? You wait in a queue A list that is first-in-first-out (FIFO)
A simulation is an executed model Setting up a simulation is a process of modeling the world (real or fantasy) to be simulated. That model is realized in terms of objects. We want our model to: Reflect the world. Be easy to extend and change. Some of our modeling techniques: Aggregation Generalization and specialization
Aggregation Some objects are made up of other objects. Cars have engines People have livers and lungs These internal things are objects, too! Livers don’t directly mess with the innards of lungs! We call this aggregation Putting references to some objects inside of other objects.
Generalization and Specialization There are general and specialized forms of real world objects. Cells are biological objects that have membranes and a nucleus and mitochondria and… Blood, lung, and liver cells are all cells but have specialized functions. The superclass-subclass relationship is a way of modeling general forms of objects and specialized forms of objects
Making it concrete: Wolves eating deer
Running the simulation Welcome to DrJava. > WolfDeerSimulation wds = new WolfDeerSimulation() > >>> Timestep: 0 Wolves left: 5 Deer left: 20 >>> Timestep: 1 Wolves left: 5 Deer left: 20 A deer died... >>> Timestep: 2 Wolves left: 5 Deer left: 19 >>> Timestep: 3 Wolves left: 5 Deer left: 19 A deer died... >>> Timestep: 4 Wolves left: 5 Deer left: 18
An Example Simulation The WolfDeerSimulation is a continuous simulation. Each moment in time is simulated. It has no resources. It is a predator-prey simulation A common real world (ecological) situation. There are parameters to change to explore under what conditions predators and prey survive and in what numbers.
The Model of this Simulation WolfDeerSimulation Knows the list of wolves and deer KnowsHow to run() each moment in time AgentNode Knows its turtle (agent) KnowsHow to get/set agent, to remove an agent Wolf KnowsHow to act(), and to find the closest deer. Deer KnowsHow to act() and die Turtle LLNode
Complicated Set of Relationships in this Model Wolf and Deer are kinds of Turtle Specializations of Turtle AgentNode is a kind of LLNode AgentNodes each have one Turtle (Wolf or Deer) inside it. WolfDeerSimulation has two AgentNodes for the lists of live wolves and deer. Each Wolf and Deer knows what simulation its in.
A UML Class Diagram
Unified Modeling Language (UML) This is a UML class diagram. A graphical notation for describing the relationships between classes in a model. UML is a standard that describes several different kinds of diagrams. Collaboration diagrams: How objects work together and how they call on one another. Sequence diagrams: What the order of events are in an object system.
A class in a UML class diagram Name of the class Instance variables or fields: What the class instances know Operations or methods: What the instances know how
Generalization-specialization relationships A Deer is a subclass of Turtle: It’s a specialization of Turtle
Associations WolfDeerSimulation has two AgentNodes in it: One to represent wolves and one to represent deer. AgentNodes don’t know their simulation
A Class Diagram describes the Model, without the Code
WolfDeerSimulation public class WolfDeerSimulation { /* Linked lists for tracking wolves and deer */ private AgentNode wolves; private AgentNode deer; /** Accessors for wolves and deer */ public AgentNode getWolves(){return wolves;} public AgentNode getDeer(){return deer;} Why private? Only the simulation should know its wolves and deer.
The main run() method public void run() { World w = new World(); w.setAutoRepaint(false); // Start the lists wolves = new AgentNode(); deer = new AgentNode(); // create some deer int numDeer = 20; for (int i = 0; i < numDeer; i++) { deer.add(new AgentNode(new Deer(w,this))); } We want to control when the world updates itself. AgentNodes contain the Deer
Head and Rest Wolves and deer are AgentNodes…but the real content starts at getNext(). We call this the head of the list. It’s a placeholder. We call the rest the rest or body of the list. This makes it possible to remove a node, even if it’s the first one in the list. Head getNext: Rest getNext: wolves Rest getNext: Rest getNext:
Make some wolves // create some wolves int numWolves = 5; for (int i = 0; i < numWolves; i++) { wolves.add(new AgentNode(new Wolf(w,this))); }
Start our simulation loop // declare a wolf and deer Wolf currentWolf = null; Deer currentDeer = null; AgentNode currentNode = null; // loop for a set number of timesteps (50 here) for (int t = 0; t < 50; t++) { // loop through all the wolves currentNode = (AgentNode) wolves.getNext(); while (currentNode != null) { currentWolf = (Wolf) currentNode.getAgent(); currentWolf.act(); currentNode = (AgentNode) currentNode.getNext(); } What’s going on here? It’s our AgentNodes that are in a linked list. Each one of them contains (aggregation!) a Wolf. Have to pull the Wolf out to get it to act()
Give the deer a chance to act // loop through all the deer currentNode = (AgentNode) deer.getNext(); while (currentNode != null) { currentDeer = (Deer) currentNode.getAgent(); currentDeer.act(); currentNode = (AgentNode) currentNode.getNext(); } Same unpackaging going on here.
Show us what happened // repaint the world to show the movement w.repaint(); // Let's figure out where we stand... System.out.println(">>> Timestep: "+t); System.out.println("Wolves left: "+wolves.getNext().count()); System.out.println("Deer left: "+deer.getNext().count()); // Wait for one second //Thread.sleep(1000); } Does the simulation go too fast? Make the thread of execution sleep for 1000 milliseconds
Implementing a Wolf import java.awt.Color; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Iterator; /** * Class that represents a wolf. The wolf class * tracks all the living wolves with a linked list. * * @author Barb Ericson */ public class Wolf extends Turtle { /////////////// fields ////////////////////// /** class constant for the color */ private static final Color grey = new Color(153,153,153); /** class constant for probability of NOT turning */ protected static final double PROB_OF_STAY = 1/10; A final is something that won’t change: A constant. It’s used to make code more readable yet easy-to- change. Private vs. Protected? Use Protected if your subclasses will need to access (new kinds of wolves?) Constants are typically all-caps
More Wolf fields /** class constant for top speed (max num steps can move in a timestep) */ protected static final int maxSpeed = 60; /** My simulation */ protected WolfDeerSimulation mySim; /** random number generator */ protected static Random randNumGen = new Random(); There is more than one kind of random. Treating it as an object makes it easier to have different kinds later. maxSpeed should probably be all-caps (or did you want to make it variable? Do wolves get slower as they get hungry?
Constructors ////////////////////////////// Constructors //////////////////////// /** * Constructor that takes the model display (the original * position will be randomly assigned) * @param modelDisplayer thing that displays the model * @param mySim my simulation */ public Wolf (ModelDisplay modelDisplayer,WolfDeerSimulation thisSim) { super(randNumGen.nextInt(modelDisplayer.getWidth()), randNumGen.nextInt(modelDisplayer.getHeight()), modelDisplayer); init(thisSim); } /** Constructor that takes the x and y and a model * display to draw it on * @param x the starting x position * @param y the starting y position * @param modelDisplayer the thing that displays the model * @param mySim my simulation */ public Wolf (int x, int y, ModelDisplay modelDisplayer, WolfDeerSimulation thisSim) { // let the parent constructor handle it super(x,y,modelDisplayer); init(thisSim); } Remember that a constructor must match its superclass, if you want to use super(). These are like the ones in Turtle. What’s a ModelDisplay? The abstract superclass of the World.
Using a Random: PseudoRandom Number Generator
Initialize a Wolf ////////////////// methods //////////////////////////////////////// /** * Method to initialize the new wolf object */ public void init(WolfDeerSimulation thisSim) { // set the color of this wolf setColor(grey); // turn some random direction this.turn(randNumGen.nextInt(360)); // set my simulation mySim = thisSim; } Get an integer at most 360
Is there a Deer to eat? public AgentNode getClosest(double distance,AgentNode list) { // get the head of the deer linked list AgentNode head = list; AgentNode curr = head; AgentNode closest = null; Deer thisDeer; double closestDistance = 0; double currDistance = 0; // loop through the linked list looking for the closest deer while (curr != null) { thisDeer = (Deer) curr.getAgent(); currDistance = thisDeer.getDistance( this.getXPos(),this.getYPos()); if (currDistance < distance) { if (closest == null || currDistance < closestDistance) { closest = curr; closestDistance = currDistance; } curr = (AgentNode) curr.getNext(); } return closest; } || is “OR” Walk this through in English to see that it’s doing what you think it should.
Modeling what a Wolf does /** * Method to act during a time step * pick a random direction and move some random amount up to top speed */ public void act() { // get the closest deer within some specified distance AgentNode closeDeer = getClosest(30, (AgentNode) mySim.getDeer().getNext()); if (closeDeer != null) { Deer thisDeer = (Deer) closeDeer.getAgent(); this.moveTo(thisDeer.getXPos(), thisDeer.getYPos()); thisDeer.die(); } getClosest returns an AgentNode, so we have to get the Deer out of it with getAgent() Why getNext()? Because we need the body of the list, and that’s after the head.
If can’t eat, then move else { // if the random number is > prob of NOT turning then turn if (randNumGen.nextFloat() > PROB_OF_STAY) { this.turn(randNumGen.nextInt(360)); } // go forward some random amount forward(randNumGen.nextInt(maxSpeed)); } Get an integer at most 360, or at most maxSpeed
Deer import java.awt.Color; import java.util.Random; /** * Class that represents a deer. The deer class * tracks all living deer with a linked list. * * @author Barb Ericson */ public class Deer extends Turtle { /////////////// fields ////////////////////// /** class constant for the color */ private static final Color brown = new Color(116,64,35); /** class constant for probability of NOT turning */ private static final double PROB_OF_STAY = 1/5;
Deer fields (instance variables) /** class constant for top speed (max num steps can move in a timestep) */ private static final int maxSpeed = 50; /** random number generator */ private static Random randNumGen = new Random(); /** the simulation I'm in */ private WolfDeerSimulation mySim;
Deer Constructors ////////////////////////////// Constructors //////////////////////// /** * Constructor that takes the model display (the original * position will be randomally assigned * @param modelDisplayer thing which will display the model */ public Deer (ModelDisplay modelDisplayer,WolfDeerSimulation thisSim) { super(randNumGen.nextInt(modelDisplayer.getWidth()), randNumGen.nextInt(modelDisplayer.getHeight()), modelDisplayer); init(thisSim); } /** Constructor that takes the x and y and a model * display to draw it on * @param x the starting x position * @param y the starting y position * @param modelDisplayer the thing that displays the model */ public Deer (int x, int y, ModelDisplay modelDisplayer, WolfDeerSimulation thisSim) { // let the parent constructor handle it super(x,y,modelDisplayer); init(thisSim); } Nothing new here…
Initializing a Deer /** * Method to initialize the new deer object */ public void init(WolfDeerSimulation thisSim) { // set the color of this deer setColor(brown); // turn some random direction this.turn(randNumGen.nextInt(360)); // know my simulation mySim = thisSim; } Nothing new here…
What Deer Do /** * Method to act during a time step * pick a random direction and move some random amount up to top speed */ public void act() { // if the random number is > prob of NOT turning then turn if (randNumGen.nextFloat() > PROB_OF_STAY) { this.turn(randNumGen.nextInt(360)); } // go forward some random amount forward(randNumGen.nextInt(maxSpeed)); } Nothing new here…
When Deer Die /** * Method that handles when a deer dies */ public void die() { // Leave a mark on the world where I died... this.setBodyColor(; // Remove me from the "live" list mySim.getDeer().remove(this); // ask the model display to remove this // Think of this as "ask the viewable world to remove this turtle" //getModelDisplay().remove(this); System.out.println(" A deer died..."); } If you want the body and its trail to disappear… Why don’t we have to say getNext() before the remove()?
AgentNodes AgentNodes contain Turtles That’s aggregation It’s a subclass of LLNode It’s a specialization of LLNode
AgentNode implementation /** * Class to implement a linked list of Turtle-like characters. * (Maybe "agents"?) **/ public class AgentNode extends LLNode { /** * The Turtle being held **/ private Turtle myTurtle;
AgentNode constructors /** Two constructors: One for creating the head of the list *, with no agent **/ public AgentNode() {super();} /** * One constructor for creating a node with an agent **/ public AgentNode(Turtle agent){ super(); this.setAgent(agent); }
AgentNode getter/setter /** * Setter for the turtle **/ public void setAgent(Turtle agent){ myTurtle = agent; } /** * Getter for the turtle **/ public Turtle getAgent(){return myTurtle;}
AgentNode: Remove node where Turtle is found /** * Remove the node where this turtle is found. **/ public void remove(Turtle myTurtle) { // Assume we're calling on the head AgentNode head = this; AgentNode current = (AgentNode) this.getNext(); while (current != null) { if (current.getAgent() == myTurtle) {// If found the turtle, remove that node head.remove(current); } current = (AgentNode) current.getNext(); } It’s just like other linked list removes, but now we’re looking for the node that contains the input turtle.
Think about it… What if AgentNodes contained Objects? Object is a class that is the superclass of all classes (even if not explicitly extended). AgentNodes that contain Objects could be general linked lists that contain anything Just cast things as you need them as you pull them out.
Back to the simulation: What might we change? Wolves that aren’t always hungry? Having wolves that chase deer? Have deer run from wolves? And how do we look at the results? We’ll deal with hunger first, then with comparing, then with running towards/away.
Creating a Hungry Wolf /** * A class that extends the Wolf to have a Hunger level. * Wolves only eat when they're hungry **/ public class HungryWolf extends Wolf { /** * Number of cycles before I'll eat again **/ private int satisfied; /** class constant for number of turns before hungry */ private static final int MAX_SATISFIED = 3;
Need to match /** * Constructor that takes the model display (the original * position will be randomly assigned) * @param modelDisplayer thing that displays the model * @param mySim my simulation */ public HungryWolf (ModelDisplay modelDisplayer,WolfDeerSimulation thisSim) { super(modelDisplayer,thisSim); } /** Constructor that takes the x and y and a model * display to draw it on * @param x the starting x position * @param y the starting y position * @param modelDisplayer the thing that displays the model * @param mySim my simulation */ public HungryWolf (int x, int y, ModelDisplay modelDisplayer, WolfDeerSimulation thisSim) { // let the parent constructor handle it super(x,y,modelDisplayer,thisSim); }
Initializing a HungryWolf /** * Method to initialize the hungry wolf object */ public void init(WolfDeerSimulation thisSim) { super.init(thisSim); satisfied = MAX_SATISFIED; }
What a HungryWolf does /** * Method to act during a time step * pick a random direction and move some random amount up to top speed */ public void act() { // Decrease satisfied time, until hungry again satisfied--; // get the closest deer within some specified distance AgentNode closeDeer = getClosest(30, (AgentNode) mySim.getDeer().getNext()); if (closeDeer != null) { // Even if deer close, only eat it if you're hungry. if (satisfied <= 0) {Deer thisDeer = (Deer) closeDeer.getAgent(); this.moveTo(thisDeer.getXPos(), thisDeer.getYPos()); thisDeer.die(); satisfied = MAX_SATISFIED; }} If there is a Deer near, then check if you’re hungry, and only then—eat and get “full”
And if no Deer are near… else { // if the randome number is > prob of turning then turn if (randNumGen.nextFloat() > PROB_OF_TURN) { this.turn(randNumGen.nextInt(360)); } // go forward some random amount forward(randNumGen.nextInt(maxSpeed)); } Nothing new here…
Changing the Simulation to make HungryWolves (in run()) // create some wolves int numWolves = 5; for (int i = 0; i < numWolves; i++) { wolves.add(new AgentNode(new HungryWolf(w,this))); } Everything else just works, because HungryWolf is a kind of Wolf
Writing to a Text File We have to create a stream that allows us access to a file. We’re going to want to write strings to it. We’re going to have to handle things going wrong—exceptional events like the filename being wrong or the disk failing. Here’s how…
Input and Output Streams - Java handles input and output through sequential streams of bits Programs can read from a stream or write to a stream Source or Destination Program 100110 Array String File Byte Data Character Data
Standard Input and Output We have been using System.out.println to print output to a PrintStream (standard output). System.out.println(“First Name: “ + firstName); There is also a System.err PrintStream that can be used to write to the standard error output. System.err.println(“Error: no file name given”); You can use to read a byte or bytes from an InputStream (standard input). int numGrades =;
Chaining Input and Output Classes Often input or output classes are chained Passing one type of input/output class to the constructor for another One common thing is to chain a processing class with a data sink class Like a BufferedReader or BufferedWriter and a FileReader or FileWriter new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileName));
Exceptions Exceptions are disruptions in the normal flow of a program. Exception is short for exceptional event. The programmer is required to handle checked exceptions in Java like trying to read from a file that doesn’t exist Run-time exceptions do not have to be handled by the programmer like trying to invoke a method on a object reference that is null Children of RuntimeException
Try and Catch Use a try & catch clause to catch an exception try { code that can cause exceptions } catch (ExceptionClassName varName) { code to handle the exception } catch (ExceptionClassName varName) { code to handle the exception } You can catch several exceptions Make the most general one last All exceptions are children of the class Exception
Try and Catch: If the file isn’t there… What if you want to know if a file isn’t found That you are trying to read from If this occurs you might want to use a JFileChooser to let the user pick the file You also want to handle any other error try { code that can cause the exception } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { code to handle when the file isn’t found } catch (Exception ex) { code to handle the exception }
Catching Exceptions A catch clause will catch the given Exception class and any subclasses of it. So to catch all exceptions use: try { code that can throw the exception } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(“Exception: “ + e.getMessage()); System.err.println(“Stack Trace is:”); e.printStackTrace(); } You can create your own exceptions by subclassing Exception or a child of Exception. You can print the error message and the stack trace (the list of all currently running methods)
The optional finally clause A try and catch statement can have a finally clause Which will always be executed Will happen if no exceptions Will happen even if exceptions occur try { code that can cause the exception } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { code to handle when the file isn’t found } finally { code to always be executed }
Writing to a File Use a try-catch clause to catch exceptions Create a buffered writer from a file writer writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(fileName)); Write the data writer.write(data); Close the buffered writer writer.close();
Reading Lines of Character Data Enclose the code in a try and catch clause Catch FileNotFoundException if the file doesn’t exist And you may want to give the user a chance to specify a new file Catch Exception to handle all other errors Create a buffered reader from a file reader for more efficient reading File names are relative to the current directory Loop reading lines from the buffered reader until the line is null Do something with the data Close the buffered reader
Reading from File Example BufferedReader reader = null; String line = null; // try to read the file try { // create the buffered reader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileName)); // loop reading lines till the line is null (end of file) while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { // do something with the line } // close the buffered reader reader.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { // handle exception }
Adding an Output File to WolfDeerSimulation /* A BufferedWriter for writing to */ public BufferedWriter output; /** * Constructor to set output to null **/ public WolfDeerSimulation() { output = null; }
Opening the File /** * Open the input file and set the BufferedWriter to speak to it. **/ public void openFile(String filename){ // Try to open the file try { // create a writer output = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(filename)); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Trouble opening the file " + filename); // If any problem, make it null again output = null; }
Changing the time loop // Let's figure out where we stand... System.out.println(">>> Timestep: "+t); System.out.println("Wolves left: "+wolves.getNext().count()); System.out.println("Deer left: "+deer.getNext().count()); // If we have an open file, write the counts to it if (output != null) { // Try it try{ output.write(wolves.getNext().count()+"\t"+deer.getNext().count()); output.newLine(); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Couldn't write the data!"); System.out.println(ex.getMessage()); // Make output null so that we don't keep trying output = null; }
After the timing loop // If we have an open file, close it and null the variable if (output != null){ try{ output.close();} catch (Exception ex) {System.out.println("Something went wrong closing the file");} finally { // No matter what, mark the file as not-there output = null;} }
Running the Simulation with a File Welcome to DrJava. > WolfDeerSimulation wds = new WolfDeerSimulation(); > wds.openFile("D:/cs1316/wds-run1.txt") >;
Finding the file in Excel
Adding Labels for the Chart
Making Wolves and Deer Run What we do: In Deer, if there is a Wolf within our smelling range, run in the opposite direction (turn towards, turn 180, move) In Wolf, if there is a Deer within our smelling range, run towards it. (Stays the same) If the Wolf gets close enough, gobble up the Deer. (Stays the same) For both, otherwise, wander aimlessly.
New constants for Deer /** class constant for probability of NOT turning */ private static final double PROB_OF_STAY = 1/5; /** class constant for how far deer can smell */ private static final double SMELL_RANGE = 50; /** class constant for top speed (max num steps can move in a timestep) */ private static final int maxSpeed = 30;
Deer-finding closest Wolf /** * Method to get the closest wolf within the passed distance * to this deer. We'll search the input list of the kind * of objects to compare to. */ public AgentNode getClosest(double distance,AgentNode list) { // get the head of the deer linked list AgentNode head = list; AgentNode curr = head; AgentNode closest = null; Wolf thisWolf; double closestDistance = 0; double currDistance = 0; // loop through the linked list looking for the closest deer while (curr != null) { thisWolf = (Wolf) curr.getAgent(); currDistance = thisWolf.getDistance(this.getXPos(),this.getYPos()); if (currDistance < distance) { if (closest == null || currDistance < closestDistance) { closest = curr; closestDistance = currDistance; } curr = (AgentNode) curr.getNext(); } return closest; } Strikingly similar to Wolf’s for find Deer, no?
Deer new act() /** * Method to act during a time step * pick a random direction and move some random amount up to top speed */ public void act() { // get the closest wolf within the smell range AgentNode closeWolf = getClosest(SMELL_RANGE, (AgentNode) mySim.getWolves().getNext()); if (closeWolf != null) { Wolf thisWolf = (Wolf) closeWolf.getAgent(); // Turn to face the wolf this.turnToFace(thisWolf); // Now directly in the opposite direction this.turn(180); // How far to run? How about half of max speed?? this.forward((int) (maxSpeed/2)); } else { // if the random number is > prob of NOT turning then turn if (randNumGen.nextFloat() > PROB_OF_STAY) { this.turn(randNumGen.nextInt(360)); } // go forward some random amount forward(randNumGen.nextInt(maxSpeed)); } Think about this in terms of the values that can be changed and their relative values. Does this match the English description we had a few slides back?
Wolf Constants /** class constant for probability of NOT turning */ protected static final double PROB_OF_STAY = 1/10; /** class constant for top speed (max num steps can move in a timestep) */ protected static final int maxSpeed = 40; /** class constant for how far wolf can smell */ private static final double SMELL_RANGE = 50; /** class constant for how close before wolf can attack */ private static final double ATTACK_RANGE = 30;
How Wolf’s smell deer /** * Method to act during a time step * pick a random direction and move some random amount up to top speed */ public void act() { // get the closest deer within smelling range AgentNode closeDeer = getClosest(SMELL_RANGE, (AgentNode) mySim.getDeer().getNext()); if (closeDeer != null) { Deer thisDeer = (Deer) closeDeer.getAgent(); // Turn torward deer this.turnToFace(thisDeer); // How much to move? How about minimum of maxSpeed // or distance to deer? this.forward((int) Math.min(maxSpeed, thisDeer.getDistance(this.getXPos(),this.getYPos()))); }
The rest of normal Wolf actions // get the closest deer within the attack distance closeDeer = getClosest(ATTACK_RANGE, (AgentNode) mySim.getDeer().getNext()); if (closeDeer != null) { Deer thisDeer = (Deer) closeDeer.getAgent(); this.moveTo(thisDeer.getXPos(), thisDeer.getYPos()); thisDeer.die(); } else // Otherwise, wander aimlessly { // if the randome number is > prob of NOT turning then turn if (randNumGen.nextFloat() > PROB_OF_STAY) { this.turn(randNumGen.nextInt(360)); } // go forward some random amount forward(randNumGen.nextInt(maxSpeed)); } // end else } // end act()
Changes to WolfDeerSimulation…NOTHING! We have the same interface as we used to have, so nothing changes in WolfDeerSimulation. Very powerful idea: If changes to a class keep the interface the same, then all users of the class don’t have to change at all.
Running the new simulation Welcome to DrJava. > WolfDeerSimulation wds = new WolfDeerSimulation(); > wds.openFile("D:/cs1316/wds- chase.txt") >;
Explorations What does the relative speed of Deer and Wolves matter? Does it matter if Deer go faster? Wolves? What if Deer and Wolves can smell farther away? What if one can smell better than the other? What’s the effect of having more Deer or more Wolves? What if HungryWolves could starve (say at -10 satisfaction)? Do more deer live?
Doing More Simulations How much code would be in common in every simulation we’d build? We already have lots of duplication, e.g., getClosest. Goal: Can we make an Agent/Actor class and Simulation class that we’d subclass with very little additional code to create new simulations?
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