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Cindy Clark McFarland School District GT Resource Teacher WATG, October 9, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Cindy Clark McFarland School District GT Resource Teacher WATG, October 9, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cindy Clark McFarland School District GT Resource Teacher WATG, October 9, 2014

2  What are my roles? Responsibilities? Priorities?  Who must I work with?  What is my preferred model for acting?  How will I be evaluated – Teacher Effectiveness? Essential Questions

3  STUDENT Needs + Time + Obligations + Partners/Audience + Mission = YOUR GT REALITY  YOUR GT REALITY (plus NAGC Standards) = readiness to select/discuss evaluation components (See session: “Who is an effective gifted educator: Linking Educator Effectiveness & Gifted Ed., Friday 2:30 – 3:30) Define Your GT Reality

4  Seer into the future  Font of all knowledge and wisdom  Human library of resources and perfect answers  Motivator & performance guru  Social graces instructor  Perfect Role Model  Instant problem solver  Collaborator of all trades 24 X 7 Remember What You Are Not...

5 Elements to consider:  Formal Job Description (obligations & rationale clues)  Informal expectations and perceptions of colleagues, administrators, and BOE members  Student and parent expectations and needs  Time  Own values, training, and beliefs Define Your Roles, Responsibilities, Priorities


7 WHOLE child focus – more than data Asynchrony Responsibility, initiative, resilience Authenticity Parents System requirements Know your rationale for all you prioritize It’s About Students, But Which?

8  Your defined GT Reality – Your Personal Commitment  Early goal (in service to your long-term quest)?  What/ Who do you need to know? Students Who focus, how many, do you know them as people or on paper, what do they really need? Staff and administrators Begin with those you know best and “g/t friendly” Define your “ask” – in two clear, short sentences, at most. To Deliver: Create your plan?

9 First focus: highly – exceptional students (and families) Academic growth Life skill development Social-emotional health ***Authenticity*** Second: other top performers and achievers (at HS) Ex: Fundamentals of My Plan

10 Check-list  Calendars / Schedules  GT student lists  New students list (review files)  Class rank lists (for reference) – Sept. & Feb.  Testing data (confirmation & sleepers)  Teacher & student schedules (semester) Impact multipliers: Ready-for-new- year Tools

11 Impact multipliers Guidance Department, Psychologist, Activities/testing coordinator Special Ed Dept. (re: 2E students) ELL teacher Teachers Administrators Parents Impact Multipliers: Collaborations

12 Share information; foster connection  Create class rosters after last schedule changes  Visit teachers (including ELL and Sp. Ed) to review their class lists and talk about what they see re: highly able kids (LISTEN first, then speak!)  Mini-in-service (New Teacher GT 101Bright Kids or Gifted Kids, Mindset Works, Social-Emotionsal)  Mid semester progress/concerns check-in Collaboration: Teachers

13  Share information, foster connections  Long-range planning meetings  Addition social-emotional support for students  Special Ed meetings with/about 2-e student  Mini-in-services (if they cannot make staff inservices) Collaboration: Guidance, ELL, Special Ed., Librarians

14  To keep them in the loop  Long-range vision (inclusive), THIS year goals and activities (what you will do).  Schedule regular update meeting (that works for you)  Mini-in-service opportunity/ introduce evaluation  Share Students focus list(may be same as Guidance list) Collaboration: Administators

15  Other routine, continuous activities Ongoing issues Testing data (as available) GT Team meetings  With students (continuous) Check-in with most asynchronous 2E Introverts Motivated and high-initiative Underachievers Impact Multipliers: Activities/Services

16 Who?  Most asynchronous  Most successful, highest potential Why?  Get to know each other  Support students  Mentor  Info sharing & reminders: PSAT, Youth Options, Internships, course planning, Independent Study Group Gatherings  Breakfasts or lunches, during ASR (intervention time) Impact = Service to Students

17 Thank you for joining me today. But more, Thank YOU for your Dedication and Care for Wisconsin’s Gifted and Talented Children. Questions?

18 Contact me at: Cindy Clark, McFarland High School GT Resource Teacher, McFarland High School, 5103 Farwell St., McFarland, WI.608-838-4500 ext. 4537 My Go To Resources & Contact Info Hoagies Gifted Education Page, http://www.hoagiesgifted.org SENG (Supporting the Emotional Needs of the Gifted) NAGC (National Association for Gifted Children) http://www.nagc.org WATG (Wisconsin Association for Talented and Gifted) http://www.watg.org Imagine Magazine Jim Delisle (Everything he does – see Pieces of Learning, Prufrock Press, Amazon) Jean Sunde Peterson, Purdue faculty, (Free Spirit Press, Great Potential Press, Amazon)

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