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How Global Warming has affected Germany By Jes Baldeweg-Rau.

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1 How Global Warming has affected Germany By Jes Baldeweg-Rau

2 What is Global Warming? Global warming refers to the rising average temperature of Earth's atmosphere and oceans and its projected continuation. In the last 100 years, Earth's average surface temperature increased by about 0.8 °C (1.4 °F) with about two thirds of the increase occurring over just the last three decades. Because the Earth has been gradually becoming warmer for so long there is debate about the validity of global warming and its existence. Scientists are more than 90% certain most of it is caused by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases produced by human activities such as deforestation and burning fossil fuels. Effects of the warming include more frequent occurrence of extreme weather events such as heat waves, droughts and heavy rainfall.


4 Global Warming in Germany Even moderate climate change and limited land use changes could have an adverse impact on flora in Germany. Saarland, Rhineland Palatinate and Hesse and the lowland plains of Brandenburg, Saxony-Anhalt and Saxony could suffer particularly high species losses. Many plant species could lose their niches in habitats such as mountains or moors. German agricultural sector however could gain from global warming. Plants at which are more labor intensive are supposedly benefiting from the increased temperature. Some of the plants at risk in Germany due to global warming are the Picea abies and the Caltha palustris.

5 Picea abies(left) and Caltha palustris(right) Picea abies(left) and Caltha palustris(right)

6 Global Warming's Effect on German Alcohol Production Climate change has had a marked impact on global weather patterns and led to growing concerns among wineries about their multibillion dollar industry. Fewer frosts due to warmer weather are causing the grapes to ripen too early, which means the varietal flavors do not have the chance to develop. Within this century, global warming is likely to force vintners to tear up their grape crops and switch to grapes that grow in warmer climates. The 2006 European heat wave brought an uncharacteristically hot and stormy summer, which greatly damaged Germany's vital barley crop. It is law in Germany for brewers to only use hops, barley, water, and yeast in their beers. If barley is not available due to rising temperatures, it would be illegal to make a beer using any other substitute.


8 Quiz Questions The European heat wave in what year greatly damaged Germany's vital barley crop What are the required ingredients for German beer? Name at least 3.

9 Answers 2006 Hobs, water, barley, and yeast

10 Worksited 101 101 e-change/beer-climate-change.html e-change/beer-climate-change.html http://www.dw-,,2207416,00. html http://www.dw-,,2207416,00. html m-post/69710/will-germany-make- global-warming-difference m-post/69710/will-germany-make- global-warming-difference


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