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TOBACCO dirty truth about smoking.

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1 TOBACCO dirty truth about smoking

2 TOBACCO FACTS Kids are still picking up smoking at the alarming rate of 3,000 a day in the U.S. Worldwide, one in five teens age 13 to 15 smoke cigarettes Half of all long-term smokers will die a tobacco-related death Every eight seconds, a human life is lost to tobacco use somewhere in the world. That translates to approximately 5 million deaths annually

Complete the questions under WHY DO TEENS USE TOBACCO?

4 Use page 402 – 403 to define some products
Tobacco Products Tobacco products are made from dried, processed leaves of the tobacco plant. The insecticide, produced by the tobacco plant, is nicotine which is the addictive chemical in tobacco products. In its pure form it is very poisonous, but in small doses is not immediately poisonous. Tobacco users take in nicotine whenever they use tobacco products. Use page 402 – 403 to define some products

5 True or false? Low-tar and low-nicotine cigarettes are safer than regular cigarettes. Fact – although the amount of tar and nicotine in these cigarettes may be reduced, carbon monoxide levels are not. Also, smokers tend to smoke more of these cigarettes and inhale more deeply to feel the same effects as they felt from regular cigarettes.

6 NICOTINE Nicotine is a type of drug called a stimulant. Stimulants are drugs that increase the activity of the nervous system. Within seconds nicotine reaches the brain mimicking the neurotransmitters and affects breathing, movement, learning, memory, mood, and appetite

7 Cardiovascular system
Nervous System Increases activity level • Mimics neurotransmitters • Decreases some reflex actions • Activates the brain’s “reward pathway” Effects of Nicotine Cardiovascular system • Increases heart rate and the force of contractions • Increases blood pressure • Reduces blood flow to skin • Increases risk of blood clotting Respiratory System Increases mucus production • Decreases muscle action in the lungs’ airways • Causes breathing to become more shallow Digestive system • Increases saliva production • Decreases the amount of insulin released from the pancreas • Increases bowel activity

8 Answer question for Psychological Dependence
Nicotine Addiction Answer question for Psychological Dependence

9 Symptoms of Withdrawal
Headaches Irritability Difficulty sleeping Inability to concentrate Intense nicotine craving

10 Dangerous chemicals in tobacco
Tobacco smoke contains more than 4,000 hazardous compounds which enter and harm the body. Most harmful chemicals found in tobacco: Nicotine – which we already discussed Tar Carbon monoxide

11 Tar A dark, sticky substance that forms when tobacco burns
Short term effects Brown stains on fingers and teeth Smelly hair and clothes Bad breath Paralysis of the cilia lining of your airways Increased number of respiratory infections Impaired lung functions, which lead to reduced athletic ability

12 Tar contains chemicals called CARCINOGENS that are cancer causing agents of the body.
smokers lungs vs healthy lungs

13 Carbon Monoxide A poisonous, colorless, odorless gas produced when substances burn When carbon monoxide enters the body it takes the place of oxygen, therefore the body cannot transport as much oxygen it needs. This strain can damage the cardiovascular system and other organs.

14 whats in a cigarette

15 Chemicals found in smokeless tobacco
Smokeless tobacco contains many of the same dangerous chemicals that are in tobacco smoke. Smokeless tobacco is at least as addictive as cigarettes. Smokeless tobacco has additional short term effects: Stained teeth Bad breath and drooling Receding gums and tooth decay

16 Knowing this statistic does it challenge your decision to smoke? Why?
According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control), Each day, more than 4,000 kids under the age of 18 try their first cigarette and another 1,100 become regular, daily smokers. About one third of these kids will die prematurely from a smoking-related disease. Knowing this statistic does it challenge your decision to smoke? Why? It’s been said that 1 cigarette is too many but 1,000 isn't enough!!!!!

17 Poster project You, along with a partner or two, will be assigned one of the following topics. Once assigned the topic you must create a poster that teaches the class about your topic using words and drawings relative to the topic. Please make sure that all the information on the poster comes from the book pages You will complete page 6 in the packet 1st before creating the poster. Page 7 will be completed in class tomorrow using other classmates posters


19 http://www. youtube. com/watch
smokers lungs vs healthy lungs smoking in a bottle spit tobacco dirty truth about smoking whats in a cigarette e – cigarette whats in an ecig

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