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Prediction of Secondary Structure of RNA

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1 Prediction of Secondary Structure of RNA
Swetha Nandyala

2 Overview Introduction How RNA Secondary Structure is obtained ?
Various types of loops possible in RNA Secondary Structure Motivation Resource Implements the Algorithms to be Understood Algorithm Nussinovs RNA Folding Example

3 RNA Secondary Structure
Primary Structure of RNA : A sequence of the bases A,G,C and U. Due to hydrogen bonds, the bases of the RNA may form base pairs a) Watson-Click base pairs: G≡C : formed by a triple hydrogen bond A=U : formed by a double hydrogen bond b) Wooble base pairs: G-U : formed by single hydrogen bond Secondary Structure of an RNA : The W-C and Wooble base pairs occurring in an RNA Fold

4 Structural Features Of RNA
Hairpin Loop Multibranched Loop Stem Bulge Internal Loop External Base

5 MOTIVATION Why is Prediction of RNA Secondary Structure important?
Tertiary Structure Prediction Identify highly conserved Motifs Design and Testing of Pharmaceutical products.

6 Algorithm Input an alignment of RNA sequence Output
single common structure for the sequence The Model The evolutionary model (Nussinovs) The SCFG

7 Resource: Questions: Is this the only Secondary Structure possible? No How to distinguish the correct structure? Need for both a function and an algorithm arises at this point, Hence Dynamic Programming Key Idea of Nussinovs algorithm Recursive and only 4 possible ways

8 Nussinovs’ Dynamic Programming
j-1 j i Unpaired base i Unpaired base j j j-1 i+1 i j k k+1 i j Bifurcation paired i,j

9 Energy Matrix E(i,j)=maximum energy for sub chain starting at i and ending at j and s(ri,rj)=energy of pair ri, rj(rj=base at position j) i is unpaired E(i,j)=E(i+1,j) j is unpaired E(i,j)=E(i,j-1) i,j is paired E(i,j)=E(i+1,j-1)+s(ri,rj) Bifurcation E(i,j)=E(i,k)+E(k+1,j)

10 RNA Secondary Structure Algorithm
Given: RNA Sequence x1,x2,x3…….,xL Initialization: E(i,i-1)=0 for i=2 to L E(i,i)=0 for i=1 to L Recursion: for n=2 to L //iteration over length E(i,j)=max{ E(i+1,j), E(i,j-1), E(i+1,j-1)+s(ri,rj) max i<k<j {E(i,k)+E(k+1,j)} }

11 Example Let s(ri,rj)=1 if ri, rj form a base pair and 0 otherwise
Input : GGGAAAUCC j E(i,j)=maximum energy conformation for sub chain from i to j G A U C i Here we should have max energy for AAAUC

12 GGG (i=1,j=3) max { 0, 0, 0+s(G,G) }=0 G A U C 1 AAU (i=5,j=7) max {0, 0, 0+s(A,U) }=1

13 Recovering the Structure
Main difference to sequence Alignment-We are tracing back a tree like structure not a single optimal path (Bifurcation introduces branch points) Method 1: Leave pointers as you compute the table:for each element of the table store(atmost two) pointers the subsequences used in solution Method2: Recover history based on numerical values in the table -Stacking- check value along diagonal -Bifurcation-find k such that E(i,k)+E(k+1,j)=E(i,j)

14 Trace back Algorithm Initialization: Push(1,L) onto stack Recursion:
Repeat until stack is empty pop(i,j) if i>=j continue; else if E(i+1,j)=E(i,j) push(i+1,j) else if E(i+1,j)=E(i,j) push(i,j-1) else if E(i+1,j)=E(i,j) push(i,j) record i,j base pair push(i+1,j-1) else for k=i+1 to j-1 : if E(i,k)+E(k+1,j)=E(i,j); push(k+1,j) push(i,k) break

15 G A U C 1 2 3 A A A • U G • C G

16 Problems and Improvements
Advantages: Accurate Output can be obtained if able to provide certain basic details Cost: O(n3) Success rate was 70% Main Drawbacks: Hairpin loops could be of any length. Developed in 1978.Therefore, it is not state of art today, but is a good starting point Improvements: Minimization Gibbs’ Free energy SCFGs’

17 References:
Biological Sequence Analysis: Probabilistic Models of Proteins and Nucleic Acids- R.Durbin, S.Eddy, A.Korgh, G.Mitchison. University of Cambridge Press,1998


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