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Plant transport Chapter 36. Plant transport Evolutionary changes Roots, Leaves, Stems Water Carbohydrates Minerals Light energy CO 2 O2O2.

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Presentation on theme: "Plant transport Chapter 36. Plant transport Evolutionary changes Roots, Leaves, Stems Water Carbohydrates Minerals Light energy CO 2 O2O2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plant transport Chapter 36


3 Plant transport Evolutionary changes Roots, Leaves, Stems Water Carbohydrates Minerals Light energy CO 2 O2O2

4 Water transport Roots Xylem Stomata Transpiration Cohesion & adhesion


6 Water transport Flaccid: Limp Water loss Plasmolysis: Cell membrane pulls away from cell wall Due to water loss

7 Water transport Turgid: Firm Water gain Healthier plant

8 Water transport Cell to cell (short distance) Diffusion Apolplast: Continuum formed by cell walls Symplast: Continuum formed by cytoplasm of cells Plasmodesmata: Connection between cytoplasm

9 Cell wall Cytosol Apoplastic route Symplastic route Transmembrane route Plasmodesma Plasma membrane Key Apoplast Symplast

10 Water transport Root hairs absorb water & minerals Diffuse into apoplast or symplast Pass through cortex Endodermis (inner lining of cortex) Casparian strip (waxy substance) Controls flow water/ions to xylem Forces flow to pass cell membrane

11 Casparian strip Plasma membrane Apoplastic route Symplastic route Root hair Epidermis Cortex Endodermis Vessels (xylem) Stele (vascular cylinder)

12 Xylem Movement based on bulk transport Transpiration: Negative pressure Root pressure: Positive pressure Upward push of water/ions in xylem Solar powered


14 Xylem Guttation: Loss of liquid through leaves Ends of leaves Increased root pressure

15 Stomata H 2 O loss CO 2 intake

16 Guard cells Opening & closing of the stomata Dependent on turgor pressure of guard cells Thicker inner cell layer Causes bowing of the cell when turgid Opens the stomata

17 Guard cells Active K + pump Increased K + in the guard cells Increase in H 2 O in the guard cells Turgid Stomata opens Decreased K + leads to decreased H 2 O Flaccid, stomata closes




21 Translocation of Phloem Sap in Spring

22 Translocation of Phloem Sap in Summer

23 Carbohydrate movement Phloem (sieve-tube) Moves from source to nearest sink Carbohydrates enter sieve-tube cells Active transport Companion cells & parenchyma cells provide the ATP

24 Phloem

25 Carbohydrate movement Water potential differences-created Water moves into the sieve-tube cells (osmosis) Increased turgor Moves carbohydrates to sink

26 Carbohydrate movement Carbohydrates removed Active transport Water moves out (osmosis) Water diffuses back to xylem Or lost in transpiration


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