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Organism Adaptations 2011. Timeline of Major Events 4.5BYA to 544MYA 1)First life on earth = single celled organisms 2)First plantlike organisms, oxygen.

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Presentation on theme: "Organism Adaptations 2011. Timeline of Major Events 4.5BYA to 544MYA 1)First life on earth = single celled organisms 2)First plantlike organisms, oxygen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organism Adaptations 2011

2 Timeline of Major Events 4.5BYA to 544MYA 1)First life on earth = single celled organisms 2)First plantlike organisms, oxygen = algae 3)First many-celled organisms = sponges 4)Soft-shelled, no backbone, marine animals common 5)First eyes and digestive tracts thanks to worms 6)Jellyfish give us first nerve and muscles

3 Timeline of Major Events 544 to 410MYA Arthropods -exoskeletons -segmented body parts -jointed appendages Early Land Plants -reproduced with spores -had strong stalks to hold them up out of water -thicker “skin” to stop from drying out

4 Adaptations (410 to 286 MYA) What adaptations did you notice… Amphibians Backbones Teeth Skincan take in oxygen Freshwater Eggs Legs Eyelids and eardrums Plants Cones Pollen Seeds (don’t need water to reproduce) Needles (help retain moisture) Fish Backbone Gills Teeth Eggs One-way traffic guts

5 Adaptations (286 to 65MYA) Reptiles -scales and watertight skin -watertight eggs -backbones -body temp that depends on the environment Flowering Plants - petals - color - seeds and pollen - Broad leaves

6 Adaptations (65mys to 2011) Birds -regulate own body temp -feathers -watertight, hard-shelled eggs -backbone -hollow bones -beaks -complex Mammals -regulate own body temp -have hair -most give birth to live young -backbone -complex

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