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The Different Types of Boundaries & The Continental Drift What is it? What does it do?

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Presentation on theme: "The Different Types of Boundaries & The Continental Drift What is it? What does it do?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Different Types of Boundaries & The Continental Drift What is it? What does it do?

2 What happens under the crust of the Earth? Under incredible pressure and intense heat Extreme heat energy causes movement of material within the Earth

3 What are plates? Large continent-sized blocks Driven by this heat to move slowly about the Earth’s surface They are not connected to one another, but move freely about. – Like your left over Cheerios

4 Plates Continued… These plates bump, push, and scrape past the plates around them. The edges, or boundaries, of plates are called faults. Most volcanoes and earthquakes occur on these faults.

5 Different Types of Boundaries Convergent Boundary Divergent Boundary Sliding, Strike-Slip, or Transform Boundaries

6 When plates push together, a convergent boundary is formed. Convergent Boundary

7 Above the Earth’s crust: – Causes mountain ranges, such as the Appalachian Mountains of Virginia, to rise up from the Earth’s surface Miles below the Earth’s crust in the ocean: – Force plates downward instead of upward and deep trenches are formed Convergent Boundary



10 Convergent Boundaries can form trenches or mountains

11 The Different Plates Under Water


13 Divergent Boundary When plates move apart, a divergent boundary is formed. – They occur on the ocean floors of the Earth.

14 Magma rises up between the two separating plates making volcanoes and mountain ranges – The mountain ranges are called: Mid-ocean Ridges Most of Earth’s new crust (meaning NEW land) comes from the magma that erupts from these divergent boundaries and the volcanoes they create. Divergent Boundary

15 Volcanoes Form Because of Divergent Boundaries

16 Mountain Ranges Are Created Because of Divergent Boundaries


18 Divergent Boundaries: Push Away

19 Sliding, Strike-Slip, or Transform Boundaries When plates slide past each other horizontally, sliding, strike-slip, or transform boundaries are formed.

20 The boundaries slide and then everything shifts

21 These types of boundaries grind against each other causing earthquakes. – Ex. On the west coast of the United States Causes earthquakes in the state of California. Sliding, Strike-Slip, or Transform Boundaries

22 Transform Boundaries

23 Continental Drift This process of plate movement that moves the Earth’s continents is called continental drift. These movements, past and present, are responsible for the amazing geological features of our Earth’s ever-changing surface.


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