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Geology Test # 1. Forces that shape Earth’s surface by building up mountains and landmasses are called___________.

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Presentation on theme: "Geology Test # 1. Forces that shape Earth’s surface by building up mountains and landmasses are called___________."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geology Test # 1

2 Forces that shape Earth’s surface by building up mountains and landmasses are called___________

3 Constructive forces

4 A ball of dense solid metal composed primarily of nickel and iron is the Earth’s____________

5 inner core

6 The place where two plates come together is known as a

7 Convergent boundaries

8 When Two continental boundaries collide a ______________ is formed

9 Mountain

10 If you were to study Geology in college you could become a __________

11 Geologist

12 In a transform boundary plates__________________________

13 Slip by one another

14 ______________is the term used to describe the sea floor sinking into ocean trenches.

15 Subduction

16 What is the name of the technology that used sound waves to map the ocean floor?

17 Sonar

18 The name of the Super Continent

19 Pangaea

20 Wegner’s theory that the continents have drifted apart is known as

21 Theory of Continental Drift

22 Sea floor spreading occurs along a ____________ boundary

23 Divergent Example :Mid Oceanic Ridge

24 Forces that wear down land masses are called____________forces

25 Destructive forces

26 The outer layer of earth is called the ________

27 crust

28 Continental crust is composed mainly of___________

29 Granite

30 Oceanic crust is composed mainly of_______

31 Basalt

32 The Cascade Mountain range occur along a __________________boundary

33 Continental/Oceanic convergent boundary

34 The lithosphere (plates) float on top of the _________________

35 Aesthenosphere

36 San Andreas fault is an example of a ______________________boundary

37 Transform Plates slip by one another

38 Temperature and pressure ________ as you go deeper into the Earth

39 increase

40 In this type of boundary the older denser oceanic crust dives below the oceanic crust, heats up, and melts -- finds a weak spot in the crust resulting in a volcano.

41 Oceanic/Oceanic continental crust Example Japan

42 In this type of boundary the older dense oceanic crust dives below the continental crust. The oceanic crust will melt and push up through a weak spot in the continental crust form a volcano.

43 Continental/oceanic convergent boundary Example-Cascade Mountains

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