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Ohio Social Studies Strand Project By: Chad Arnett & Eleise Buxton ED417-Dr. Helms United States History, 1 st grade OHIO.

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Presentation on theme: "Ohio Social Studies Strand Project By: Chad Arnett & Eleise Buxton ED417-Dr. Helms United States History, 1 st grade OHIO."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ohio Social Studies Strand Project By: Chad Arnett & Eleise Buxton ED417-Dr. Helms United States History, 1 st grade OHIO

2 Table of Contents  Strand I, American Heritage  Strand II, People in Societies  Strand III, World Interactions  Strand IV, Decision Making & Resources  Strand V, Democratic Processes  Strand VI, Citizenship Rights & Responsibilities  Strand VII, Science, Technology & Society

3 Strand I American Heritage Strand I American Heritage

4 American Heritage Activities   Students will listen to the story Revolutionary War on Wednesday.   Students will reconstruct the events of Revolutionary War on Wednesday by illustrating the beginning, middle, and end of the story.   Read the book Growing Up With Abe Lincoln.   Students will work as a class to construct a presidential timeline.   Several students will dress up as presidents and the class will conduct a Q & A session with “presidents”.

5 American Heritage Websites U.S. President’s Profiles American President’s Resources Lincoln timeline and photographs: Search for Lincoln information: The White House Lincoln Biography:

6 Stand II People in Society

7 People in Societies Activities  Students will create a family tree.  As a class, we will discuss each student’s family origin.  Class will discuss the Emancipation Proclamation and will then create a modern day version.  Students will participate in a role-play situation about a certain change in the community.  Students will watch the video How Communities Grow & Change.

8 People in Societies Websites Virtual Tour of the Fifty States: index.html index.html USA Grow! Historical Timeline: Yahooligans Search Engine: Various US History activities: Virtual Tour of the Fifty States: index.html index.html USA Grow! Historical Timeline: Yahooligans Search Engine: Various US History activities:

9 Strand III World Interactions

10 World Interaction Activities  Students will research 5 selected presidents and will use a map to show where each president was born.  Discuss the importance of the historical landmarks in Washington D.C. The students will then research the location of one landmark in relation to another.  Use the Odyssey Globe to explore different countries and regions of the world.  Students will, in groups, be assigned a region of the world and will create a salt map of that region.  Students will research the World Olympics then we will participate in our own classroom olympics.

11 World Interaction Websites Information on Location of President’s Birthplace: Biographies of Each President. Information All About Washington D.C. Information on Olympics Past and Present Various olympic activities:

12 Strand IV Decision Making & Resources

13 Decision Making & Resources Activities  Field trip to local bank.  We will create a classroom currency.  Students will take a virtual tour through the Federal Reserve Bank.  Students will pick a coin or paper money and will research the president on the currency.  We will discuss the Gold Rush of 1849 and then conduct a classroom gold rush.

14 Decision Making & Resources Websites Information About Money: /programs/kidsandcash Information on Creating Own Money - mainactivity Information About Bank of Ohio Information All About the Gold Rush Explore the Ideas and Purposes for the “FED”.

15 Strand V Democratic Processes

16 Democratic Process Activities  Students will watch This is America, Charlie Brown video.  Students will participate in a classroom debate.  We will discuss slogans and students will create their own slogan.  Students will participate in a mock election.  Students will create their own classroom voting booth.

17 Democratic Processes Websites How a President gets elected: U.S. Presidents Cabinet: Voting Booth: Virtual Tour of White House: Presidential Campaign Slogans: presidents/ campaignslogans.html presidents/ campaignslogans.html

18 Strand VI Citizenship Rights & Responsibilities

19 Rights & Responsibilities Activities  Discuss the Bill of Rights, students will create their own classroom Bill of Rights.  Students will create a mock Congress to discuss the classroom Bill of Rights.  Field trip to local recycling plant.  Students will create a letter to authority figure to discuss their feelings on recycling.  Students will create mural based on recycling.

20 Rights & Responsibilities Websites President and citizen responsibilities: http://gi.goilier.compresidents/nbks/side/pofus.html To inform students how to recycle: plans/lesson/lesson3530.html A resource site for students to research information. To learn information about laws and rules: To learn about the branches and create a mock Congress: kids/educators/perfectpresident

21 Strand VII Science, Technology, and Society

22 Science, Technology, and Society Activities  Students will use the Geosafari Globe to explore the world.  Students will watch the American Schoolhouse Rock video to see how bills are passed through Congress.  Students will use Geosafari Theater which consists of various geography and science lessons.  Students will participate in the Internet activity, “Exploring the US on the Net”.  Students will participate in the Kid Town simulation.

23 Science, Technology, and Society Websites To learn information about Congress and bills: Information about electronic learning: Creating and learning about settlements and Jamestown. Learn about the judicial system: http://www. To create lessons and puzzles for geography and review.

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