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Zebra & Quail Body of Work Sunny Akrie. Artistic Statement Zebra and Quail is a body of work about friendship. A good friend is a person that you know.

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Presentation on theme: "Zebra & Quail Body of Work Sunny Akrie. Artistic Statement Zebra and Quail is a body of work about friendship. A good friend is a person that you know."— Presentation transcript:

1 Zebra & Quail Body of Work Sunny Akrie

2 Artistic Statement Zebra and Quail is a body of work about friendship. A good friend is a person that you know you can rely on to be there for you. They are the people who you spend your best times with, and the ones who are there to help you up when you’re down. They’re always willing to back you up and to step in when you’ve passed your boundaries. Many people will come and go throughout your life, but your true friends are the ones who will be with you until the end. A friend is someone who is willing to be the Zebra to your Quail.

3 Zebra

4 Quail

5 Child’s Play

6 Bounce

7 Spectrum

8 Scene It

9 Dance Party

10 Biography I’ve changed a lot since the days when I’d dance around in tutus with my purple docs on. I’m now a loud and obnoxious teenager who’s just trying to live everyday to its fullest. I make many mistakes and I rarely do anything to fix them. I'm constantly trying to impress people and I've recently decided to start living my life for myself. I'm far from perfect. I have low self-esteem and can't take a compliment. I'm not a straight A student and I don't like math or science. I'm just a girl who likes to take pictures and go to shows and hang out with my friends. I like playing my keyboards, even though I’m not that good. I may not become an extraordinary person that will be remembered for anything magnificent, but I will be remembered by those who know me. I'm just not someone that you could forget. THE END.

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