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Southern Europe & the Balkans chapter 16!!

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Presentation on theme: "Southern Europe & the Balkans chapter 16!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Southern Europe & the Balkans chapter 16!!

2 I. The Iberian Peninsula

3 A. Spain: History & Govt. Moors?

4 Spanish Empire? Francisco Franco (1939 – 1975) Autonomy?

5 B. Spain: People & Culture
Religion? Languages? Castilian Spanish (75%) The Basque (ETA-socialist group) Islamic features?

6 C. Economy of Spain Tourism…problems? Agriculture?
Strait of Gibraltar (8 mi)

7 D. Portugal Moors? Portuguese Empire?

8 E. Economy of Portugal Capital? Tourism? Cork? Wine

9 II. The Italian Peninsula

10 A. History Roman Empire? Home of the Church? Renaissance Prd?
Mussolini? Govt. today? Microstates? Vatican City

11 B. People & Culture Religion? Capital city?

12 C. Italy Today GDP? Products of Italy? North vs. South?
Mezzogiorno “breadbasket”? Aging population?

13 III. Greece & the Balkan Peninsula

14 A. Greece Crete? Mount Olympus (9,570 ft.)

15 History of Greece City-states? Contributions (government?)
Independence (1829) Post WWII? 1974 = democracy

16 Economy, Issues, & Challenges
Joined E.U. (1981) Capital & largest city?

17 B. The Western Balkans Former Yugoslavia Montenegro? Kosovo?
Bosnia & Herzegovina Croatia Macedonia Slovenia Montenegro? Kosovo? Diversity? Enclave?

18 History Ottoman Turks (late 1300s) Yugoslavia (WWI)
Soviet Union (WWII) Josip BrozTito (dictator) 1991? Civil Wars? Croatia & Bosnia (1995)

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