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World War I Causes. Blog Question With which of the following do you most agree? Explain your reasoning. With which of the following do you most agree?

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Presentation on theme: "World War I Causes. Blog Question With which of the following do you most agree? Explain your reasoning. With which of the following do you most agree?"— Presentation transcript:

1 World War I Causes

2 Blog Question With which of the following do you most agree? Explain your reasoning. With which of the following do you most agree? Explain your reasoning. 1)War should be avoided at all costs. 2)War should be fought only to save innocent lives. 3)War is a noble pursuit. 4)War should be used to gain territory and increase power. How can you split these statements into two categories? Difference between European nations and US in 1914 European nations – 3 & 4 United States – 1 & 2

3 Fundamental Causes – M-A-I-N M ilitarism – building up of armed forces, getting ready for war Arms race between France and Germany Naval rivalry btw GB & Ger. Austria and Russia competing for influence in S. E. Europe A lliances – agreements to help/ defend each other Two alliance system in existence in Europe I mperialism – trying to build an empire German attempts to gain colonies annoy and frighten France, Britain, and Russia. Crumbling Ottoman Empire – countries had interest as possible area of expansion N ationalism – having pride in your country, willing to defend it France wanted revenge on Germany for loss of land in 1871 – matter of national pride These strong feelings for one’s nation contributed to outbreak of the war

4 Immediate Cause of WWI Assassination of heir to Austro- Hungarian throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, by a Serbian patriot on June 28, 1914 in Bosnian town of Sarajevo. Assassination of heir to Austro- Hungarian throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, by a Serbian patriot on June 28, 1914 in Bosnian town of Sarajevo. Austria made extreme demands on Serbia – Austria made extreme demands on Serbia – who had an alliance with Russiawho had an alliance with Russia When Austria declared war on Serbia, a “chain reaction” was set into action bringing most of the Europe into the war. When Austria declared war on Serbia, a “chain reaction” was set into action bringing most of the Europe into the war.

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