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The Causes of WWI Some Background. Building the Alliance System When Germany was created Bismarck built an Alliance (The Alliance of the Three Emperors)

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Presentation on theme: "The Causes of WWI Some Background. Building the Alliance System When Germany was created Bismarck built an Alliance (The Alliance of the Three Emperors)"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Causes of WWI Some Background

2 Building the Alliance System When Germany was created Bismarck built an Alliance (The Alliance of the Three Emperors) between Germany, Austria and Russia Broke down because both Russia and Austria had ambitions over former Ottoman land in the Balkans (The Eastern Question Again) Bismarck then formed a new Alliance – The Triple Alliance (Italy, Germany and Austria) However, he understood this would isolate Russia So he signed a secret Treaty with Russia promising neutrality (The Resurgence Treaty)

3 Kaiser Wilhelm’s Influence on the Alliances The Resurgence treaty had to be renewed every few years Kaiser Wilhelm allowed the Resurgence Treaty to expire – thinking that his personal relationship with Czar Nicholas would avoid war Russia, feeling very isolated, and not knowing why Germany would refuse to sign a treaty of peace, started talks with France France had been seeking any type of alliance against Germany after their humiliating defeat in 1871

4 The Kaiser’s Navy Bismarck always understood that Britain was the key to peace Britain was to busy managing its colonies and making money to care about the affairs of Europe Britain only got involved in European Politics for two reasons 1.One country was too strong and was threatening to dominate Europe 2.Anyone was threatening her Naval Power – the British Navy was the key to her trade Empire and her National defense The Kaiser began to build a massive navy after Bismarck was removed from office This threatened British Interests and pushed them into an Alliance with France and Russia

5 The Triple Alliance vs. the Triple Entente The Kaiser had succeeded in destroying Bismarck’s “Pax Germanica” Under Bismarck, Germany was the country in Europe and was part of the strongest Alliance in Europe Russia (Resurgence Treaty) and Britain (Germany had no Navy and few colonies)were also cool with Bismarck’s Germany However, by building a Navy and not fostering a Relationship with Russia – Kaiser Wilhelm toppled Bismarck’s balancing act Germany was now facing a powerful alliance against them – led by the French, who were desperate to avenge 1871 and re- establish themselves as the number 1 power in Europe The Kaiser lacked the political skill to re-establish ties with the Russians and British – instead he looked for a military way out The Schlieffen plan was built

6 Your Job Today Using your notes and your textbook, explain how the Following terms contributed to the start of the Great War 1.Militarism 2.Nationalism 3.Imperialism

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