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Using presentations for learning. When one teaches, two learn And children love to share, to show, to explain and to exhibit - to peers. This is what.

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Presentation on theme: "Using presentations for learning. When one teaches, two learn And children love to share, to show, to explain and to exhibit - to peers. This is what."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using presentations for learning

2 When one teaches, two learn And children love to share, to show, to explain and to exhibit - to peers. This is what presentations is all about.

3 Stick to small working teams of (2-3) children. Let them figure out – how do it – themselves. Let them struggle. Tell them to use built-in help Collect pictures, music, audio files from net in advance (so that we don not waste time on that) Use digital camera creatively. Best way is to put constrains on slide shows

4 Example topics -12 ways to save water -12 things our city is famous for -12 wonders of our body -12 things children are afraid of Children take up any "issue" and make a presentation of exactly 12 slides and of duration exactly 120 seconds (2min). Obviously with this short a duration, it can only be dominantly a visual presentation and what children speak is crisp and succinct.


6 Graphical models of mathematical concepts Jeopardy Games Puzzle slides

7 + = 1.6 + 0.7 2.3 =

8 Order Order Decision decisions and more decisions. Such is life. You want to eat these four fruits but can’t seem to decide in what order to eat. In how many different ways (order) can you eat these fruits. a) 4 b) 8 c) 16 d) 24

9 # Make Story maps Character maps # Convert story’s sequence of events #Use visuals & voice to make animated story # Review story or book # change words to make crazy,funny story #games /quizzes based on grammar rules

10 Wizard of Oz Dorothy She gets magic slippers Toto as pet dog Her Goal: Reach her house Saves land from two Bad witches short hair and wears a frock friendly, sensitive, helpful

11 Usage Abusage Click Usage if you think it is the correct usage of the word in red colour and click abusage if think it is wrongly used here: a) First she went for lunch than she went for play. b) Neither he brought the apple nor the banana. c) I never thought I will loose my way Usage Abusage Usage Abusage Usage Abusage

12 What rhymes with mouse?

13 OOPS! Have another go…

14 mouse - house

15 observation presentation #Observe a process and record observations with photos /drawings Visual quizzes # Parts of things #Usage of things #Application of concepts Animate static diagrams, illustrations #How food goes down # How rain cycle happens

16 Moon as seen from earth

17 Comparative studies Compare cities, states, civilizations, era,wars, kings,personalities Marketing History Two minutes presentations for selling a festival, city, king,a crop, a monument What’s right,What’s wrong With a culture, a personality, an era, event, a movement etc.


19 Emotional time line # Any school event # Any social event Charts for social interdependence # Family tress # Who helped who Perspectives # see any event or person in multiple perspectives

20 Perspectives 1) They are playing tug of war. 2) They are just doing a drama of a story in which the teddy’s hands get longer because people pull his hands. 3) Both are pulling and testing how strong is the toy. 4) Both are fighting over the teddy bear.

21 Presentations the key is to give children exciting projects and then leave it to their ingenuity to make the presentations. The more they will use - the more comfortable and expert they will become - in making powerful points!

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