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Paul Mundy Indian English. Indian English is fine for an Indian audience But if you are writing for an international audience… Avoid local.

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Presentation on theme: "Paul Mundy Indian English. Indian English is fine for an Indian audience But if you are writing for an international audience… Avoid local."— Presentation transcript:

1 Paul Mundy Indian English

2 Indian English is fine for an Indian audience But if you are writing for an international audience… Avoid local terms… …or put them in italics, and explain them  Dalit, bigha, rabi, kharif, jowar, bajra, mandal, sangam, gram panchayat…

3 Indian English Avoid lakhs and crores  1,000,000, not 10,00,000 Avoid Indian abbreviations  AP, UP, BJP, ICAR  Spell them out Provide conversions  €1 = Rs 74 (2006)  1 bigha = 0.13 ha

4 Indian English Watch use of articles  The, a, an Watch use of passives  Destoning was done to make the plough move easily  The farmers removed big stones from the fields to make ploughing easier

5 Indian English Watch use of certain words and phrases Avail The farmers cannot avail resources The farmers cannot access/get resources Available Clouds will be available It will be cloudy

6 Indian English Availment Availment of leave in driblets is considered bad leave record Please do not repeatedly take a few days off at a time Backward Backward castes Disadvantaged castes

7 Indian English Call I called some friends round I invited some friends round Each and every We have tried each and every solution We have tried all the solutions Exigencies They migrated due to some exigencies They migrated because their crops failed

8 Indian English Furnish Please furnish me with three copies Please provide three copies Inform He informed that the Hon’ble Chief Minister had died He said that the chief minister had died Induct The institute inducted three staff The institute hired three staff

9 Indian English Learnings What learnings have been made? What have we learned? What lessons can we draw? More This exercise is more easier This exercise is easier The women got more better incomes The women got better incomes The women improved their incomes

10 Indian English Needful Please do the needful Please take care of this Only I am at home only. You look like Indian only I am just at home. You like an Indian

11 Indian English Reach It will take 3 hours to reach It will take 3 hours to arrive It will take 3 hours to reach Delhi Revert Please revert Please get back to me Same He wrote a manuscript and then edited the same He wrote a manuscript and then edited it

12 Indian English Sanction The department head sanctioned the staff The department head punished the staff Side The government side wishes to… The government wishes to…

13 Indian English Unless and until He will not do it unless and until he is paid He will not do it unless he is paid Upliftment The project aims for the upliftment of the rural masses The project helps rural people improve their lives Viz. The project has two aims, viz.: raising yields and reducing poverty The project has two aims: raising yields and reducing poverty

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