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The Vikings By Chris,Luke and Tobias. Exploring Vikings began to raid towns all over Europe. Many of them found good land for farming and decided to live.

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Presentation on theme: "The Vikings By Chris,Luke and Tobias. Exploring Vikings began to raid towns all over Europe. Many of them found good land for farming and decided to live."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Vikings By Chris,Luke and Tobias

2 Exploring Vikings began to raid towns all over Europe. Many of them found good land for farming and decided to live there. Vikings also settled in Iceland and Greenland. They hunted fish, whales and seals to eat. Some Vikings sailed as far as North America and tried to set up farms there. They were often attacked by Native Americans, so they soon decided to leave. The first person to sail to North America was Leif the Lucky (Eric the reds son).

3 Fun and games Vikings spent their free time playing games, repairing weapons and making beautiful things. Some people made lucky charms. Many Vikings enjoyed skiing and skating in the winter. Viking men sometime had wrestling contests and sword fights. They showed off their strength by lifting huge rocks. Viking archers liked to hunt boars with their new weapons.

4 Attack!!! For a Viking, attacking was quite rare. The first Viking attack was in 793 at Lindesfarne which led to success. Most vikings attacked in the morning to surprise there enemies. they grabbed all the money and treasure they could find. lots of Vikings were poor, so they sometimes sailed to England and raided places like ministries.

5 Gods and Goddesses Odin God of war. the king of the gods, rode an eight- legged horse. FreyJa Goddess of love and war. She had the ability to turn her self into a falcon. Thor God of lightning and thunder. He carried a magic hammer. Loki Half god and half giant. He played cruel tricks on the gods

6 Beliefs Vikings believed in giants and that the first male and female came from a one legged giants arm pit. They also believed that 4 dwarfs (north,south,east,west) held up the sky. The Vikings believed in a human with a dog head and a giant bull.

7 food Beef, mutton, lamb, goat, horse, pork, chicken, geese, ducks, eggs, hakikarl (fermented shark), surströmning (sour herring), deer, elk, reindeer, bear, boar, squirrel, golden plover, grey plover, black grouse, wood pigeon, lapwing, wild goose, walnuts, almonds, chestnuts, cod, coalfish, herring, salmon, haddock, ling, mackerel, oysters, cockles, mussels, winkles, smelt, eels, salmon, scallops, beached whales, porpoises, seals, sloes, plums, apples, blackberries, bilberries, figs, grapes, carrots, parsnips, turnips, celery, spinach, wild celery, cabbage, radishes, fava beans, peas, beets, angelica, mushrooms, leeks, onions, seaweed, goat and cow milk, butter, buttermilk, whey, skier, curds, cheese, barley, rye, oats, rice, millet, buckwheat, dill, coriander, hops, cumin, pepper, saffron, ginger, cardamom, grains of paradise, cloves, nutmeg, mace, cinnamon, anise-seed, bay leaves, vinegar, honey, porridge, flatbread

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