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CHBE Feb 21, 2012 QHP Contracting and Delivery System Improvement Don Crane President and CEO.

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Presentation on theme: "CHBE Feb 21, 2012 QHP Contracting and Delivery System Improvement Don Crane President and CEO."— Presentation transcript:

1 CHBE Feb 21, 2012 QHP Contracting and Delivery System Improvement Don Crane President and CEO

2 Contracting and Delivery System Reform “Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.” Albert Einstein Albert EinsteinAlbert EinsteinAlbert Einstein

3 Suggestion # 1 Match CMS Innovation..... … including Pioneer and MSSP ACOs as Qualified Health Plans.

4 Suggestion #2 (cont.) “Invite” only Qualified Health Plans that: a.)contract with providers that are Accountable for Cost and Quality, and b.) possess specific attributes and competencies

5 Suggestion #2 (cont.)  Accountable for Cost?  Population Based payment, bundled payment, or shared savings  Accountable for Quality?  Performance Measurement, reporting, and bonus at the group level

6 Suggestion #2 (cont.) “Invite” only QHPs that will contract with providers possessing specific attributes and competencies Required attributes and competencies….a short list for illustration:  Disease registries for all major chronic diseases  Hospitalists to help prevent avoidable admissions and assist with appropriate length of stay

7 Suggestion #2 (cont.) Required attributes and competencies….a short list: (cont.) Required attributes and competencies….a short list: (cont.)  Post discharge continuity of care program, including case managers, discharge planners, social workers  Review program for all unplanned inpatient readmissions  Organized palliative care and hospice program  Complex care management program  EMR deployment

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