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Published byRosanna Francis Modified over 9 years ago
E. Doyle (Chair), V. Mukhovatov (Co-chair) for the ITPA Transport Physics Group 2nd IEA Large Tokamak Workshop on Implementation of the ITPA Coordinated Research Recommendations 23 November 2003 Naka, Japan Proposals for International Collaborative Experiments in 2004
ITPA Transport Physics Group 2004 Proposals (November 2003) ID Proposal TitleROsDevices2004 TP-1Investigation of transport properties of candidate hybrid regime [Development of hybrid demonstration discharges] E Joffrin, M Wade, T Luce, A Sips, A Isayama, E Synakoski JET, JT-60U, AUG, DIII-D Modif TP-2Investigation of transport properties of candidate steady-state regimes [Development of steady-state demonstration discharges] X Litaudon, S Ide, T Luce, J Hobirk JET, JT-60U, AUG, DIII-D Modif TP-3High performance operation with Te~Ti and dominant electron heating [High performance operation with Te~Ti ] C Challis, S Ide, J Hobirk, C Greenfield, N Kirneva, J Rice, F Imbeaux, A Field, B Le Blank JET, JT-60U, AUG, DIII-D, T-10, C- Mod, TS, MAST, NSTX Modif TP-4Enhanced confinement operation with low external momentum input [ITB operation with no external momentum input] F Crisanti, T Fujita, J Hobirk, C Greenfield, M de Baar, K Razumova, J Rice, A Becoulet, C Gormezano JET, JT-60U, AUG, DIII-D, TEXTOR, T-10, C-Mod, TS, FTU Modif TP-5Improved physics understanding of QDB/QH mode of operation R Pitts, Y Sakamoto, W Suttrop, P Gohil, A Field JET, JT-60U, AUG, DIII-D, MAST Exten TP-6 Improved understanding of -limits with ITB operation --Closed TP-7Development of real-time profile control capabilities--Closed TP-8Non-dimensionally similar ITB scaling experimentsE Joffrin, A Sips, C Petti, E Synakovski, M Peng, A Field JET/AUG, DIII-D/ NSTX, NSTX/MAST Exten TP-9Simulation and modeling support for T-10 turbulence studies --Closed
TP-1: INVESTIGATION OF TRANSPORT PROPERTIES OF CANDIDATE HYBRID REGIMES Task: Obtain well diagnosed/documented hybrid discharges in various machines; assess the commonality of transport physics in hybrid regimes across devices; develop methodology for extrapolation of hybrid regimes to ITER scale parameters Tokamaks relevant to experiments: JET, JT-60U, AUG, DIII-D (others ?) Outline of possible experiments Continue coordinated multi-machine investigation, as follows: — JET: Continuation of hybrid regime studies. (A) 1.7T/1.4MA: increase N up to a limit at high HT3 ITER configuration, high AUG double-null configuration, and AUG configuration with low ; a coarse * scan; new RTC scheme on q. (B) 2.4T/2MA: establish scenario at high HT3 ITER configuration; a coarse * scan to assess fuelling capability. (C) 3.4T/2.8MA (or slightly lower): assess existence of the hybrid regime at lower *, increase N, investigate effect of LH on the scenario. (D) JET-AUG similarity scenario: tune scenario to match AUG; establish ITB formation conditions. (E) NBI CD: vary beam induced current to vary q-profile. — JT-60U/JET identity experiment (under discussion): JET can reproduce JT-60U like configuration with performances comparable to those in hybride scenario (H 89 >2, q(0) ~ 1), match q(0), q 95, * and N in JT-60U to those in JET; how close are confinement, transport, stability in both devices; how consistent/similar are these regimes to the JT-60U high poloidal regime? — AUG and DIII-D: Continue mapping of operational space: q 95 and *. These results form a benchmark for other experiments. — C-MOD: Access to hybrid regime? Proposals have been made. — AUG: Experiments with dominant ICRH heating (sustainment and formation) — DIII-D: Experiments with dominant RF (FW and ECH) heating Contact persons: — AUG A. Sips; DIII-D M. Wade, T. Luce; JET E. Joffrin; JT-60U A. Isayama, NSTX E. Synakowski Time scale for implementation: — AUG: Proposals for 2004 have been made. If approved by the AUG program committee, experiments could be performed between January and July 2004 — JET: Hybrid regime is planned for November 26, 2003 with A. Isayama participation. Not in 2004 — JT-60U: Experiments are scheduled in 2003-2004 — DIII-D: Proposals have been made for 2004 (plan is not fixed)
Task: Obtain well diagnosed/documented steady-state (SS) discharges with enhanced confinement (H 98(y,2) ~1.3-1.5), bootstrap current fraction f BS ~0.5 and non-inductive current fraction f NI ~ 1 in various machines; assess the commonality of transport physics in the SS regimes across devices; develop methodology for extrapolation of such regimes to ITER scale parameters Tokamaks relevant to experiment: DIII-D, JET, JT-60U, AUG Outline of possible experiments —Continue work on developing common SS target demonstration discharges defined for 2003; improve integration of desired steady state features (target N, H 89P, f BS (q min ), q 95, etc.) on individual devices # AUG will pursue this target regime, with DIII-D support —JT-60U: In high f BS discharge development, extension of duration (up to 30s) will be attempted to see evolution of p&j profiles and to control them under dominant f BS conditions (f BS > 70%), with possible coordination with DIII-D/AUG; integrate high f BS with target performance (H 98(y,2) ~ 1.5); sustainment of current hole —DIII-D: Generation and sustainment of ITBs at large radius with JT-60U/JET assistance; generation and sustainment of current hole discharges with JT-60U/JET assistance (R dependence); participation from JET/DIII-D in sustainment efforts on JT-60U # AUG & DIII-D: Steady state regime with off-axis co ECCD at high- p without ITB Contact persons: —DIII-D T. Luce; JT-60U S. Ide; JET X. Litaudon; AUG J. Hobirk Time scale for implementation —DIII-D and JT-60U: Experiments are scheduled in 2004. —JET experiments will be in Dec 2003. —AUG: Collaborative experiments with DIII-D are planned in 2004 (MSE measurements in AUG highly desirable) TP-2: INVESTIGATION OF TRANSPORT PROPERTIES OF CANDIDATE STEADY STATE REGIMES
TP-3: HIGH PERFORMANCE OPERATION WITH T e ~T i AND DOMINANT ELECTRON HEATING Task: Demonstrate enhanced confinement operation with T e ~T i and dominant electron heating, assess the commonality of confinement and transport properties as function of T i /T e across devices and evaluate possible effects of -particle heating and closeness of T i and T e on ITER performance Tokamaks relevant to experiments: JET, JT-60U, AUG, DIII-D, T-10, C-Mod, Tore Supra, MAST, NSTX Outline of possible experiments — Comparison of confinement and transport ( E, i, e ) at dominant electron and ion heating; density scans; P e /P i scans at constant total heating power; correlation with turbulence characteristics — AUG: Current profile effect on ITBs with T e ~ T i, beta limit studies, high density ITBs with pellet injection — JT-60U: Continue study of ITB degradation with electron heating — T-10: Density scan and performance at ne ~ nG in ECR heated plasmas (including RS plasmas); transport analysis with turbulence measurements support — Tore Supra (under discussion): Density scans for dominantly electron heated plasmas (LH, ECRH, ICRH) — C-Mod, MAST: Experiments on T e =T i — NSTX: Experiments on T e =T i using HHFW+NBI Contact persons: — AUG J. Hobirk; DIII-D C. Greenfield; JET C. Challis; JT-60U S. Ide; C-Mod J. Rice; T-10 N. Kirneva; Tore Supra F. Imbeaux; NSTX B. LeBlanc; MAST A. Field Time scale for implementation: — AUG: Studies of T e ~ T i ITBs with emphasis on current profile shaping and beta limit will be continued in 2004. High density ITBs with pellet injection will be tried in 2004. — JT-60U: Studies of ITBs with T e ~ T i will be continued during 2003-2004 — T-10: Further investigations during 2004 experimental campaign —Tore Supra: Experiments in 2004 (not yet decided) — C-Mod, MAST: Experiments are planned in 2004
Task: Demonstrate enhanced confinement operation with low external momentum input, assess the commonality of these regimes across devices and evaluate possible effect of low momentum input on ITER performance Tokamaks relevant to experiment: AUG, C-Mod, DIII-D, JET, JT-60U, FTU, TS, TCV, TEXTOR, T-10 Outline of possible experiments —C-Mod/AUG: Investigate similarity/differences between C-Mod ICRF ITB plasmas and AUG improved H-mode plasmas, which are not thought to have ITBs (profiled still stiff) —AUG: It is planned to replace a large part of NB power with ICRH in standard ITB scenario to explore the role of toroidal momentum input for ITB formation; —DIII-D: there are proposals for replacement part of NB power with RF (FW and ECH) on DIII-D in hybrid and steady-state scenario discharges —TEXTOR/T-10: T-10 similarity experiment on TEXTOR; attempts to find in TEXTOR a regime of enhanced confinement, similar to that explored in T-10, by fine-tuning the internal magnetic structure with ECRH —Various machines: Experiments examining detailed physics of dominant electron heating, q dependence, spontaneous plasma rotation, etc. Contact persons: —DIII-D J. DeGrassie; JT-60U T. Fujita; JET F. Crisanti, X. Litaudon; AUG J. Stober, J. Hobirk; C-Mod J. Rice; TEXTOR M. de Baar; T-10 K.A. Razumova; TS A. Becoulet; FTU C. Gormezano; NSTX B. LeBlanc Time scale for implementation —AUG / C-Mod comparison is planned for 2004 —JET (ICRF)/ FTU /TS electron ITB similarity experiment at high density is planned for January 2004; —JT-60U will possibly join this electron ITB similarity experiment —TEXTOR/T-10 experiments scheduled for December 2003 and 2004 —DIII-D: proposals for 2004 have been made, although no definite plans yet TP-4: ENHANCED CONFINEMENT OPERATION WITH LOW EXTERNAL MOMENTUM INPUT
Task: Obtain well diagnosed/documented QH/QDB discharges in various machines; assess the commonality of transport physics in these regimes across devices; develop methodology for extrapolation of QH/QDB regimes to ITER scale parameters Tokamaks relevant to experiment: DIII-D, AUG, JT-60U, JET Outline of possible experiments —JT-60U: Collaborative QH-mode experiment with DIII-D participation —MAST plans to do counter NBI experiment Contact persons: —DIII-D P. Gohil; JT-60U Y. Sakamoto; JET R. Pitts; G. Mattews; AUG W. Suttrop; MAST A. Field Time scale for implementation —JT-60U: Collaborative QH-mode experiments will be attempted on JT-60U in the week starting December 15, 2003. This JT-60U effort will be carried out under a collaboration with DIII-D with P. Gohil participating in the experiments —JET: No QH experiments in 2004 —AUG: Proposals for 2004 have been made for experiments with reversed plasma current (i.e. counter injection). If approved by the AUG program committee, experiments could be performed between February and July 2004 TP-5: IMPROVED PHYSICS UNDERSTANDING OF QDB/QH-MODE OPERATION
Task: Obtain non-dimensionally identical discharges with ITBs in devices with the same R/a, *, N, *, Mach number to test applicability of dimensionless scaling approach and obtain scaling with * from analysis of non-dimensionally similar discharges with different * and the same other non-dimensional parameters Tokamaks relevant to experiment: JET/AUG, DIII-D/NSTX, NSTX/MAST Outline of possible experiments — JET/AUG identity experiments: tune scenario in JET to match AUG conditions, q(r) profiles should matched (MSE diagnostic in AUG?) ; establish/document ITB formation conditions — DIII-D/NSTX ITB similarity experiments: initially high p H-mode in NSTX; shape and actual dimensions can be reproduced on DIII-D; also p and * poloidal can be matched on DIII-D as well as many dimensional quantities (eg density); gyroradius scan on DIII-D to make connection to * toroidal; in addition to p, p will be matched — NSTX/MAST ITB identity experiments: Mach number scan will be done in NSTX; NSTX will benefit from the availability of high resolution CX spectroscopy measurements in 2004 — Contact persons: — JET E. Joffrin; AUG A. Sips; DIII-D C. Petti; NSTX E. Synakowski, M. Peng; MAST A. Field Time scale for implementation — JET: Non-dimensionally similar experiments in Dec. 2003 — AUG: When MSE measurements become available and JET pulses are performed, further experiments on AUG will be done in 2004 — DIII-D/NSTX similarity experiments are proposed for 2004 — NSTX/MAST identity experiments are planned for 2004 TP-8: NON-DIMENSIONALLY SIMILAR ITB SCALING EXPERIMENTS
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