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Family Planning Methods. What is natural family planning? Natural family planning is a method used to help a couple determine when sexual intercourse.

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Presentation on theme: "Family Planning Methods. What is natural family planning? Natural family planning is a method used to help a couple determine when sexual intercourse."— Presentation transcript:

1 Family Planning Methods

2 What is natural family planning? Natural family planning is a method used to help a couple determine when sexual intercourse can and cannot result in pregnancy. During each menstrual cycle, one of a woman's ovaries releases an egg. This process is called ovulation. The egg moves toward the uterus through the fallopian tubes, where fertilization may take place. An unfertilized egg may live for up to 12 hours. The egg will be shed later during the menstrual period if it isn't fertilized. A woman is most likely to become pregnant if sexual intercourse takes place just before or just after ovulation.

3 How does natural family planning work? Two methods of natural family planning are currently taught. The first is the mucus or ovulation method. In this method, the days just before and just after ovulation are determined by checking the woman's cervical mucus. When a woman is most likely to become pregnant, the cervical mucus is stretchy, clear and slick. The mucus during this time looks and feels much like an uncooked egg white.

4 The second method is called the symptothermal method The woman also checks the consistency of her cervical mucus like she does with the mucus method.With this method, the woman takes her temperature each day with a basal body temperature thermometer and writes it down on a chart. At the time of ovulation, a woman's temperature will rise slightly (about.9°F).

5 She may also notice other changes, such as pain in the area of the ovaries, bloating, low backache and breast tenderness. In both methods, couples use a chart to keep track of the changes in the woman's body.

6 Kinds of Family Planning Methods Natural Birth Control Natural birth control methods include abstinence, periodic abstinence (also called the rhythm method) and withdrawal, in which the male withdraws the penis prior to ejaculation. Abstinence is the only 100-percent effective method of birth control.

7 Chemical Methods Chemical methods of family planning include birth control pills, shots, such as Depo Provera, and the patch, which releases hormones into the female body. Barrier Methods Usually a woman's first method of birth control, barriers include condoms, the diaphragm, the cervical cap, the sponge and spermicidal creams and gels.

8 Surgical Methods Once a couple has had all the children they want, many opt for surgical methods of birth control, such as a vasectomy for the male or tubal ligation for the female. Preference It may take time to find the right method for you and your partner. Most birth control methods have some side effects. If side effects bother you, ask your doctor to recommend a different method.

9 Population Policies and Programs national policies and program of the philipines a. pre-martial law period policies b. post martial law period policies

10 Population Policy in the Philippines, 1969-2002 The concerns related to population are quite broad. It includes concerns regarding the impact of population growth, structure and distribution on sustainable economic growth and on family and individual welfare. As the 1974 World Population Plan of Action aptly described it: "Where trends of population growth, distribution and structure are out of balance with social, economic and environmental factors, they can at certain stages of development, create additional difficulties for the achievement of sustained development." racti

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