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English As A Second Language (ESL) Ethan Fahy TE 301 Summer 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "English As A Second Language (ESL) Ethan Fahy TE 301 Summer 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 English As A Second Language (ESL) Ethan Fahy TE 301 Summer 2003

2 Questions About ESL What is ESL? Why is ESL important? How can we address this issue?

3 What Is ESL? Teachers, programs, students Education of non-English speaking immigrants All levels of education Found in English speaking countries worldwide

4 Forms of ESL Team Teaching English Immersion Bi-Lingual Many More…

5 Roula Alexandratos Teacher in Australia Advocates Team Teaching Most effective over years Her school has 45 different languages Works with an ESL Teacher

6 Why is ESL important?

7 Why is ESL Important (cont.) Allows them to function in society Speaking Reading Listening Creates unity in the family Gives a sense of home with America

8 Drawbacks Funding Increase for adults Decrease for secondary and primary schools Nationally – Very little Some States are funding themselves Government – Increase Awareness

9 How Can We Address The Issue? Teachers need to educate themselves Take classes Do research Speak with a teacher Become involved Government Administration

10 Educational Site Frankfurt International School

11 Works Cited Shoebottom, Paul. Frankfurt International School. Copyright 2001. United States Census Bureau. Wowk, Mike. Schools Hear Many Languages. Detroit News. January 31, 2002. Alexandratos, Roula. Burwood High School. Sydney, Australia. The American Immigration Law Foundation. News Max. http://www.newsmax..com

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