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Models of Quality Student Work. ISS CWT Data from Last Cycle 4b. Models/examples of quality student work with meaningful feedback are purposefully displayed/utilized.

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Presentation on theme: "Models of Quality Student Work. ISS CWT Data from Last Cycle 4b. Models/examples of quality student work with meaningful feedback are purposefully displayed/utilized."— Presentation transcript:

1 Models of Quality Student Work

2 ISS CWT Data from Last Cycle 4b. Models/examples of quality student work with meaningful feedback are purposefully displayed/utilized. “Yes” = 39% “No” = 61%

3 Table Talk Discuss at your table how you use Quality student work in your classroom. How often to you put up new work? What kind of feedback do you give students? What does this look like in enhancement, EC, speech, ESL classes?


5 Purpose and Intent “Before students can produce competent work, they need to have an example of what competent work looks like.” -from K-5 Math Teaching Resources Sets the expectation for the work up front Help students self-assess and ask, “What can I change in my work to meet those criteria for success?” Provides recognition, even if student only has an exemplar for a part of the product




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