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Ms. Cimino’s and Mr. Duff’s Food Pyramid WebQuest Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher’s Page.

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Cimino’s and Mr. Duff’s Food Pyramid WebQuest Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher’s Page."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Cimino’s and Mr. Duff’s Food Pyramid WebQuest Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher’s Page

2 Introduction Food is a part of our everyday lives. We need it to survive, and it helps us function properly mentally and physically. But what should we eat? What foods are part of the pyramid? How many servings of each group do we need?

3 Task In this webquest you will learn what foods are healthy and are needed for a well balanced diet. Along the way you will be looking at websites that help you gain information, quiz you and allow you to play games. At the end you will make your own healthy meal plan for a day. In this webquest you will learn what foods are healthy and are needed for a well balanced diet. Along the way you will be looking at websites that help you gain information, quiz you and allow you to play games. At the end you will make your own healthy meal plan for a day.

4 Process Step 1 : You will start learning about the food pyramid by answering the questions on the worksheet given to you. You can use the first website for questions 1 – 5 and the second website for questions 6 – 10. information-kids/ information-kids/ aspx aspx

5 Process Continued Step 2 : Now you will play a game (Blast Off) on the first website to help you learn about the food pyramid. The second website contains extra games for your enjoyment. cfm cfm

6 Process Continued Step 3 : Follow the interactive food pyramid guide on this website to help you learn the food groups and the colors of the food pyramid. When you are done with that, take the quiz to see what you learned and what you may need to work on. pyramid.html pyramid.html

7 Process Continued Step 4 : Lastly you will receive a daily food chart where you will track your food for the day. Use the food group worksheet to assist you with what foods go in each group. ALL DONE!!! HOPE YOU HAD FUN!!!

8 Evaluation

9 Conclusion Congratulations! You have completed the assignment on the food pyramid by using a webquest. You are now knowledgeable and aware of the food groups through the food pyramid. You have learned how many servings of each food group are needed for your daily diet. As our youth, you are now aware of healthy and unhealthy food and food portions. Our hope is that you, as students, continue to use this new information in your daily lives. If you do, it will give you a better quality of life. Please make good and healthy choices, not only when it comes to food, but in every area of your lives. We are very proud of your participation and eagerness to learn throughout this lesson.

10 Teacher’s Page PA-Pennsylvania Academic Standards Subject : Family and Consumer Science Area : 11.3 Food Science and Nutrition Grade : GRADE 6 Standard D: Describe a well-balanced daily menu using the dietary guidelines and the food guide pyramid.

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