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Community Partnership Research May 5 th, 2011 Atlanta, Georgia The Role of Health Equity in Cancer Prevention & Control: Foundations for Action.

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Presentation on theme: "Community Partnership Research May 5 th, 2011 Atlanta, Georgia The Role of Health Equity in Cancer Prevention & Control: Foundations for Action."— Presentation transcript:

1 Community Partnership Research May 5 th, 2011 Atlanta, Georgia The Role of Health Equity in Cancer Prevention & Control: Foundations for Action

2 Community Partnership Research Disclosures

3 Community Partnership Research Facilitators Linda Blount, MPH Lumbé Davis, DHSc, MPH, CHES Christopher Ervin, MD Shila Burney Jenifer Waldrop

4 Community Partnership Research Agenda Brief review of pre-workshop webinar An examination of evaluation questions A review of today’s learning objectives “The Health Equity Game” Overview of post-workshop and evaluation webinar

5 Community Partnership Research Pre-Workshop Webinar

6 Community Partnership Research Pre-Workshop Webinar Grantee Learning Objectives 1.Increased Knowledge of Methods to Determine and Address Cancer Health Disparities at the State and Local Levels 2.Increased Skills to Recognize Requirements for Systems Change to Achieve Health Equity 3.Greater Understanding of Partnerships and Community Assets Intrinsic to Improving Social Determinants of Health

7 Community Partnership Research Evaluation of Webinar What would health equity look like in the US? Theme: All would have equal access to healthcare AND quality housing, food, and preventive services regardless of SES. Question: Will equal access lead to comparably equal outcomes?

8 Community Partnership Research Evaluation of Webinar What would be the ideal insurance model to promote prevention, improve quality of care and reduce health care costs? Theme: Difficult question to answer but emphasis on preventive care with support of healthy lifestyles and patient education. Question: How would this be provided financially and be implemented practically?

9 Community Partnership Research Evaluation of Webinar What does the cancer control community need to do differently to promote prevention? Theme: 1) Engage the community and utilize community resources. 2) Engage policy makers/funders in supporting long-term efforts that include #1. With the “burning question” does it need to be “evidenced based” to be valid? Question: How does one involve the community as equals? How do you bridge the gap between community and funders/policy makers?

10 Community Partnership Research Evaluation of Webinar If you had unlimited funds, what 3 aspects of healthcare in the context of social determinants would you 'fix' first? Theme: Overwhelming #1 Education (both general and prevention), healthy food, income/job/healthcare access Question: Is it to be done from policy-level or grassroots level?

11 Community Partnership Research Today’s Workshop

12 Community Partnership Research Learning Objectives Understand the connection between public health and social policy: What is the impact on disparities in cancer incidence and mortality? What questions should be asked regarding data? The role of healthcare providers. The role of various government agencies and officials. The role of law and regulation. The role of community/partnerships. Health care costs and priorities.

13 Community Partnership Research Learning Objectives Understand the unintended consequences of health policy and programs What aren’t we thinking of? Are we measuring the right things?

14 Community Partnership Research Learning Objectives Understand and develop appropriate communications materials and delivery mechanisms for policy objectives and programs: What to say Who to say it to How to say it

15 Community Partnership Research The Health Equity Game A Role Playing Exercise in Addressing Barriers to Care

16 Community Partnership Research Objective With the case study as a backdrop, develop a policy and program approach to chronic disease management that promotes equity in Breast, Colorectal, Lung, Cervical and Prostate cancer. You are members of the broad public health and cancer control community. Work together to determine: what data and resources are required; what voices should be heard; how you will recognize success; and what may be the unintended consequences of your decisions?

17 Community Partnership Research How To Play Each group member selects a role Each table selects 2 Action and 3 Information cards Read and discuss the Massachusetts Healthcare Reform Case Study – 5 minutes Develop Work Products – 35 minutes The Road the Equity – 20 minutes Beware the Game Changer!

18 Community Partnership Research Work Products Using the case study provided, each group is to produce: One (1) statement on why the Massachusetts health reform hasn’t had the desired results Develop two (2) policy or program approaches that would promote equity in cancer outcomes while controlling costs Create two (2) communications strategies for low income and minority residents to help them understand your policy or program approaches Your sticky notes are your friend.

19 Community Partnership Research Questions? Play!!

20 Community Partnership Research Thank You! Linda G Blount, MPH: Christopher Ervin, MD: Shila Burney: Jenifer Waldrop:

21 Community Partnership Research Is the Massachusetts Payroll Tax to Encourage Employer-Provided Health Insurance worth the cost? Healthcare Enconomist worth-the-cost/ For Employers, the Pros and Cons of Health Care Reform Emerge reform-emerge/ Health Care Reform Spotlight: The Pros And Cons Of An Individual Mandate Mixed Views About Massachusetts Health Care Plan Sources

22 Community Partnership Research




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