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Presentation on theme: "Nouns."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nouns

2 Nouns A noun is a word used to name a person, place, thing, idea, quality, or action. Nouns can be classified in several ways. All nouns can be placed in at least two classifications. They are either common or proper. All are also either abstract or concrete. Some nouns can be classified as compound, collective, and possessive as well.

3 Common Nouns Are general names, common to an entire group
Examples: poet, novel, love, journey

4 Proper Nouns Name specific, one-of-a-kind things.
Examples: Jackson, Pleasant Street, Lewis

5 Concrete Nouns Name things that can be perceived by the senses
Examples: roof, flash, Dublin, battle

6 Abstract nouns Name things that cannot be observed by the senses
Examples: intelligence, fear, joy, loneliness Common Proper Abstract peace Christianity Concrete sniper O’Connell Street

7 Compound Nouns Are formed from two or more words but express a single idea. Written as single words, as separate words, or with hyphens. Dictionary to check correct spelling Examples: haircut, father-in-law, Christmas Eve

8 Collective Nouns Are singular nouns that refer to groups of people or things. Examples: army, flock, class, species

9 Possessive Nouns Show who or what owns something. Category
Possessive Noun Rules Examples All singular nouns Add apostrophe plus -s Stafford’s, tree’s, Bess’s, town’s, great-grandfather’s Plural nouns not ending in -s Children’s People’s Women’s Plural nouns ending in -s Add apostrophe only Witnesses’ Churches’ Males’ Johnsons’

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