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Global History I: Adamiak Mesopotamia Part II. Indo-Europeans.

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Presentation on theme: "Global History I: Adamiak Mesopotamia Part II. Indo-Europeans."— Presentation transcript:

1 Global History I: Adamiak Mesopotamia Part II

2 Indo-Europeans

3 The Rest of the Invaders Babylonians Hammurabi- A Babylonian leader, a politician as well as a lawmaker. Known for the Code of Hammurabi. Code of Hammurabi- Series of laws concerning all aspects of life in Babylon. Laws dealt with commerce, industry, regulated wages, hours and working conditions.

4 The Rest of the Invaders ReligionCulture Babylonians adopted many Sumerian religious beliefs. What were the Sumerian religious beliefs? They had a shadowy life after death belief, therefore most of their practices were directed toward a successful life on earth. Similar to Sumerians: Farmed, domesticated animals, wove cotton cloth. Different to Sumerians: Women had some legal and economic rights, including property.

5 The Rest of the Invaders The Hittites (1600 -1200 B.C.E.) Origins: Modern Day Turkey Considered Indo-European (Mesopotamia considered Semitic)

6 The Rest of the Invaders Hittites (Cont.) Iron Tools Developed the use of iron, which made them a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield Fought numerous wars with Egypt oHad a superior chariot due to use of iron

7 The Rest of the Invaders Hittites (Cont.) Government Considered to have the first constitutional monarchy King and royal family were monitored by the pankus Pankus was also t he highest court in the land oPunished “wrongdoers” Merciful Laws Rarely used the death penalty Hittite sun disk, which is the symbol of the royal house

8 The Rest of the Invaders Their most important achievement, however may have been their laws. Under Hittie law, only major crimes received the death penalty. Hittie law called for a person to pay a fine, rather than experience retaliation, for causing damage or injury. Conversation: What is the significance of this law making? What are examples that we see today?

9 The Rest of the Invaders The Assyrians (1000 – 612 B.C.E) A militant empire Established the first truly organized & trained army Soldiers rewarded for each severed head Slow roasted opponents over a fire Not allowed to take hostages Encouraged a high birth rate & made abortion punishable by death to have an available soldier population


11 The Rest of the Invaders The Assyrians Military Techniques Battering Ram Excavating city walls Dug under walls to “break” through Iron weapons

12 Achievements & Contributions The Wheel Hammurabi’s Code One of the earliest sets of written law “Eye for an eye” Gilgamesh One of the first literary works Kings quest to find immortality, but realizes humans are at the mercy of the gods

13 Achievements & Contributions Thus all sorts of groups in Mesopotamia came to adopt Sumerian cuneiform, applying it to their spoken languages; even the Indo- European Hittite invaders followed this path. Artistic forms, stories, and even the existing range of gods were appropriated. The culture of Mesopotamia, in other words, was far more stable than its politics because of its absorbing power. Source: Experiencing World History. Paul V. Adams, et. al Where is their evidence of cultural diffusion? What are some examples of the cultural diffusion between Sumerians and the invaders.

14 The Rest of the Invaders  The Persians- Conquered Babylon in 539 B.C. they also spoke an Indo-European language.  Cyrus The Great- Medes was first ruler of the Persians, Cyrus rebelled against Medes and then captured Babylon and the rest of the Fertile Crescent.

15 The Rest of the Invaders  Government- Early kings were effective rulers, they showed concern for justice. Taxes were assessed to the people and laws were administered fairly. Very lenient with the people they conquered. Allowed them to keep their religion.  Government- Built roads to connect cities. Royal road stretched more than 1,250 miles. Roads were built mainly for the army; the Persian road system helped to link the sprawling empire together.

16 The Rest of the Invaders Religion- The greatest cultural contribution of the Persians. The prophet Zoroaster taught that on earth people receive training for a future life. Forces of good and evil battled on another and people must choose between them. What religions did Zoroaster probably influence? What were central beliefs of this religion?

17 The Rest of the Invaders Phoenician- Known as incredible sailors and traders. Phoenician colonies were found throughout indo- eurasia with the city of Carthage the regional power. It is believe they stretch from Northern Africa to Spain. Phoenician Trade: Became skilled metal workers. (Which they learned from the Egyptians). Invented the art of glassblowing Gathered shellfish called murex and made purple dye with them. Cities of Sidon and Tyre became the centers of dyeing trade.


19 Achievements & Contributions First to use coined money (Lydians) Brought world into the iron age (Hittites)

20 Achievements & Contributions The Hanging Gardens One of the Seven Wonders of the World Planted terraces 75 ft high at the palace of King Nebuchadnezzar Myth?

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