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Dr. Steven M. Hays Freshman Seminar Bishop Kearney High School.

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1 Dr. Steven M. Hays Freshman Seminar Bishop Kearney High School


3  Vision and Quick Victories  Symbolism and Personal Example  Optimism and Reality  Stamina  The Team Message  Core Team Values  Conflict  Lighten Up!  Risk  Tenacious Creativity

4  Channel energy toward two equally important goals ◦ Continually be aware of ultimate destination ◦ Be vigilant in focusing scarce resources of organization on critical short term tasks  Create momentum  Ensure survival  Application for organizations ◦ What are key opportunities for action? ◦ What are structures and routines that you use to create a sense of stability? ◦ Can you think of distractions that would affect the morale of organization? ◦ What are your short-term milestones?

5  Set a personal example ◦ Use visible, memorable symbols and behaviors  Can mean difference between success and failure  Let people see you in action  Application for leaders ◦ How can you give the right speech to mobilize the power of the organization? ◦ What are you doing to ensure you are a visible leader?  What is your visibility plan?  How much time do you spend out of the office?

6  Instill optimism and self-confidence  Stay grounded in reality  Begin by instilling optimism in yourself  Believe you will succeed and it will pass to others ◦ “I was ever a fighter, so – one fight, more, The best and the last!... For sudden the worst turns the best to the brave. The Black minute’s at end… “Prospice” – Robert Browning Application: 1.How do leaders react when faced with adversity or potential setback? 2.Think about a current business challenge you are facing. What are you doing to instill optimism? 3.How do leaders stay in touch with reality and get the full picture?

7  Leaders must take care of themselves ◦ Maintain stamina ◦ Let go of guilt  Pursuing lofty goals can place heavy demands on physical and psychological reserves  Personal Application ◦ Are you taking care of yourself, as well as those who work for you? ◦ Who do you turn to when you need to vent? ◦ Do you let feelings of guilt or frustration distract you?

8  Reinforce team message constantly ◦ “We are one – we live or die together”  Challenges faced by organizations can only be overcome through unified effort  Keep everyone informed, involved and thinking about solutions  Application for leaders ◦ What can be done to promote a sense of shared identity for the organization? ◦ Are team values explicit and understood by all? Are they used to make decisions? ◦ What else can leaders do to promote identification with the team? ◦ How would you assess the quality of communication among those in your organization? ◦ Do all members of the organization have a clear picture of challenges faced by team as a whole? Do they have a sense of personal responsibility for the team’s success?

9  Minimize status differences  Insist on courtesy and mutual respect  Be willing to admit mistakes  Create an environment in which taking care of one another is the norm ◦ Helps forge emotional bonds  Application: ◦ Are there special distinctions that create differences in class or status at your organization? ◦ Would you describe the leadership at your organization as “being in the trenches”, “above the action”, or “looking on”? ◦ Does the culture of the organization reinforce courtesy and mutual respect?

10  Master conflict ◦ Deal with anger in small doses ◦ Engage dissidents ◦ Avoid needless power struggles  Lessons for Leaders ◦ Identify individuals or groups that undermine your leadership ◦ Be proactive and keep troublemakers close by ◦ Find ways to minimize negative impact of their behaviors ◦ Treat everyone, including dissidents, with respect even when they are antagonistic ◦ Be willing to set limits ◦ Avoid the temptation to denigrate malcontents and keep personal opinions about people to yourself

11  Find something to celebrate  Find something to laugh about  Under extreme pressure the ability to lighten up, celebrate, and laugh can make all the difference  Application:  Do you celebrate major successes and achievements? ◦ Do you look for opportunities to celebrate small wins? ◦ Do those you manage feel free to be themselves and to find humor in work situations? ◦ Can you laugh at yourself?

12  Be willing to take the BIG Risk  Never take unnecessary chances  When risk is justified, do not hesitate  Personal Application ◦ Are there any risks you might take to improve the effectiveness or profitability of your organization? ◦ Is there a risk you might take to improve your own effectiveness as a leader?


14  Never give up – there’s always another move  Encourage thinking outside the box  Personal Application ◦ How would you characterize your core beliefs about problems and obstacles? ◦ What are your typical reactions when things go wrong? ◦ Do you have a systematic process for identifying problems and finding solutions? ◦ Have you demonstrated tenacious creativity in making things happen in your organization?

15  “ It is never too late to be what you might have been” - George Eliot  Find an environment that supports learning  Practice the art of thriving ◦ Work ◦ Relationships ◦ Physical health ◦ Sense of purpose ◦ Balance  Come to terms with fear and failure

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