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Promotion and Tenure Open Forum for Faculty April 18, 2013 Henri Jansen Faculty Senate Promotion and Tenure Committee Becky Warner Academic Affairs.

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Presentation on theme: "Promotion and Tenure Open Forum for Faculty April 18, 2013 Henri Jansen Faculty Senate Promotion and Tenure Committee Becky Warner Academic Affairs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Promotion and Tenure Open Forum for Faculty April 18, 2013 Henri Jansen Faculty Senate Promotion and Tenure Committee Becky Warner Academic Affairs

2 Faculty Panel Mary Arnold, Professor and Youth Development Specialist School of Social and Behavioral Health Sciences Marisa Chappell, Associate Professor, 20 th Century U.S. History School of History, Philosophy, and Religion Mark Needham, Associate Professor and Gene D. Knudson Chair in Forestry Education Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society

3 Faculty Senate Promotion and Tenure Committee Membership 2011-2012 MemberAcademic Home Henri Jansen ’13 (Chair)Physics Donna Champeau ’13Social and Behavioral Health Science David Trejo ’14Civil & Construction Engineering Nicole von Germeten ’14History Gary DeLander ’15Pharmacy Russ Karow ’15Crop and Soil Science Executive Committee Liaison – Kevin Gable

4 Faculty Senate Promotion and Tenure Committee Review guidelines and propose changes, updates Act as observer at the University Promotion and Tenure Committee meetings Report to FS on annual P&T process (summary of actions) Provide an information source for faculty Six tenured faculty from across campus

5 General Purposes and Responsibilities Criteria for Promotion and Tenure Faculty Dossiers Procedural Guidelines for Promotion and Tenure Waiver of Access Dossier Preparation Guidelines Policy on Salary Increases for Promotion in Rank Promotion and Tenure Guidelines Website guidelines

6 Criteria for Tenure Tenure will be granted to faculty members whose character, achievement in serving the University’s missions, and potential for long- term performance warrant the institution’s reciprocal long-term commitment.

7 Criteria for Promotion  Instructor to Senior Instructor  After 4 years of full-time service  After 3 years if prior service credit given  4 external letters (what is “external”)  If letter of offer indicated tenure track, same guidelines apply as those for Assistant and Associate Professors on tenure track  Faculty Research Assistant to Senior Faculty Research Assistant  After 4 years of full-time service  After 3 years if prior service credit given  4 external letters (what is “external”)  Senior FRA (and courtesy) stop at College

8 Criteria for Promotion  Assistant to Associate:  Effectiveness in assigned duties  Achievement in scholarly activity with the potential for distinction  An appropriate balance of institutional and professional service.  Associate to Full:  Distinction in assigned duties  Distinction in scholarly activity  An appropriate balance of institutional and professional service.

9 Providing Evidence for Promotion and/or Tenure “Achievement with potential for distinction” and “Distinction” For promotion to professor there are a set of metrics commonly used to establish distinction in assigned duties. These metrics help us distinguish between “output” and “outcome” and gauge the impact of a professor’s work. For example: In scholarship: Influence on the direction of a field of learning or research as reflected in meaningful awards, h-index or some other measure of citation, leadership in collaborative work (first authorships), invited presentations/exhibitions, securing extramural funding that results in scholarly outcomes, evidence of broad-based change in communities served, innovative development of intellectual property that has had demonstrable economic impact.

10 Providing Evidence for Promotion and/or Tenure “Achievement with potential for distinction” and “Distinction” In teaching/advising: Leadership in instruction and enhancement of the educational experience of students and mentees, as reflected in awards, significant and sustained professional development (including for assessment), improvement in SET scores, mentoring undergraduate students and graduate students through to graduation and on to successful careers, providing financial support for graduate students. In service: Significant impact on one’s academic unit and/or professional community as reflected in awards, involvement in significant university service (elected and appointed), leadership in professional organizations (elected or appointed).

11 Promotion and Tenure: Contacts for Questions Henri Jansen: Becky Warner:

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